Chapter Five

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Liam's P.O.V

It was a long two days without Maddie. Both nights I had horrible nightmares about her. In each one she died, and I could do nothing to stop it. I was really excited for the rec. hour today. I wanted to hold Maddie in my arms and never let go.

I walked excitedly down the hall. As I walked into the large ballroom, my eyes immediately fell on Maddie sitting alone in the corner. But something was different. She didn't look like the girl I met two days ago. Her eyes, instead of being their usual bright blue, were a dull grey. Her bright skin, pale. She even looked a little skinnier than I remember.

I walked over to her and sat beside her. "Hey Maddie," I said gently.

She flinched at my words and cowered away. "Hi," she whispered.

"Are you okay?" I asked her. "What happened?"

Her eyes started to water and she buried her head in her knees. "T-they did it,"

"Who's they?" I asked her, rubbing her back.

"N-Niall and Zayn," she said. "T-they-"

"Shh," I cut her off. She didn't need to continue. I got it. "Come here," I said pulling her into a hug.

"I-I know they aren't really but it felt so wrong. So horrible. I've only wanted to do that with someone I love," she sobbed. "I don't love those monsters,"

"It's okay," I said and kissed the top of her head. "I promise it's going to be okay,"

Maddie stayed curled up against my chest for a while. I traced shapes into her back and whispered comforting words. I understand what she's going through. I've had dreams like that. They're the worst things in the world.

"I'm sorry this had to happen to you," I whispered into her hair. "I'm here to make it better, in any way that I can,"

"I just want to run away," she said into my chest. I could feel her tears dampening my shirt.

"I'll help you," I said not thinking about the consequences. I couldn't stand to see her so sad and hurt. I want to see her happy again.

She sniffed and looked up at me with her big blue eyes. "Y-you will?"

I nodded. "I will. No matter the punishment, I'll help you get out of here,"

She smiled weakly. "Thank you Liam," she said and nuzzled her head into my neck.

"You're welcome," I said kissing the top of her head.

That night I managed to stay awake despite the medication I had to take. I started to come up with a plan. I listened to the night guards. From what I could tell, no one was on guard from ten to twelve. This gave Maddie and I plenty of time to escape. But the real question is where do we go? I saved that part for later. Right now, I had to figure out how to unlock the doors. I probably could steal a fork from the cafeteria and use it to pick the lock.

I took a deep breath. We could do this. I'll talk to Maddie tomorrow and see if she has any idea of a place we could go. This could work. We could both get out of here. We could both be happy.

Finally, I decided to go to sleep, hoping it would be nightmare free.


I was in a large, open meadow. The grass was long and pink and purple wildflowers stood out against it.

There she was, my beautiful angel. Maddie sat in the field, weaving the grass together. She always wore the same white dress in my dreams. She always looked so flawless, like she does in reality.

Maddie looked up and smiled at me. She waved for me to come over, and so I did.

I sat beside her and smiled. "You look lovely as always," I told her tucking a stray hair behind her ear.

She giggled her adorable giggled. "Thank you,"

It was the most peaceful dream I've ever had. I couldn't help but be on edge though, because I knew how these dreams ended.

I let those thoughts disappear and decided to just enjoy the time I had with Maddie. We sat together, her head on my shoulder, hand in hand, just enjoying each others company.

I leant over and picked a wildflower. I tucked it behind Maddie's ear. "A beautiful flower for a beautiful girl," I said.

She giggled. "Thank you,"

I was so happy. I was sitting here on such a beautiful day with the love of my life right beside me.

I looked down at her. "Maddie?"

"Yes Liam," she said sitting up.

"Can I tell you something?" I said hesitantly.

"Of course," she said.

"I think I'm in love with you," I said nervously, not sure how she would react.

"I think I love you too," she said.

I smiled. "Really?"

She nodded. "Yeah,"

I leant down to kiss her, but before her lips met mine...

I woke up.


Hi! Thank you for reading this chapter! It means so much to me you have no idea! I hope you have a wonderful day! :)

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