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I smirked looking down from the door of the jet. The wind barely let me breathe but it was a thrill nonetheless.

"You're not scared are ya?" I looked back at Harry who, like the rest of the members on board, had his gear ready to go.

I scoffed at his question, "Sure I'm the one you're supposed to be asking?" I asked back with a confident look on my face. He laughed and turned to glance at the rest before coming back round to look at me.

"I guess you're right, the only reason they're here is that they trust you know what you're doing."

I raised an eye-brow, pointing to the backpacks strapped to us, "About this?" I asked and he nods, "Oh, I've actually never done this before."

I watched in amusement as his face turns white. "What?! Dominic you're going to get us killed!"

I laugh out loud at his expression. The rest of the crew seemed to have heard my laughter over his concern which was for the best. Having one person panic was fine but having the whole place know I've never actually skydived yet am making them do it for the first time with me would then actually get us all killed.

"Just do as we trained and you'll be fine! Trust me, I was taught by a professional." I reassured him while patting his back.

The truth was, Xavier was the one who told me about how to skydive during one of our training sessions. We had gotten sidetracked from a physics lesson and he just happened to have experience which he liked distracting me with by giving me a whole synopsis on 'how to skydive' only to kick me from behind and scold me about pausing my consecutive punches.

I shook my head. What was I doing? Having my life flash before my eyes? I didn't have the pleasure. I had to give our team back up as soon as possible.

"Ready?!" I shouted, and everyone got in their positions. "WOO!" I exclaimed, jumping out of the plane first, instantly having my breath knocked out of me. For a moment, life, death, fighting, walking, living, breathing, it was all forgotten and I felt amazing. For the first time, I felt at peace. Falling through the air.


But unfortunately for me, peace wasn't really my scene. I let out my parachute and glided towards where Nick was. I had already planned beforehand that London would help the outer right, Sydney would help the outer front and Texas would help the inner right. That left me to help Nick deal with central.

After what happened to Tyler, most of the Texas division had started to fear or respect me slightly. That in itself allowed me to get to talk to them. I knew I didn't have a lot of time so planning an escape wasn't easy. The best way to do it was to have Harry and I convince them to join our side.

We came to realise that the reason this division specifically went against Nick was because of the lack of involvement. They wouldn't be involved in shipments, in plans and weren't told everything that they should have been told which then led to a lot of lack of trust. Florida promised a tighter relationship, it was more beneficial for both of them which had them agree.

Aside from that though they all had a tight friendship with Nick and the rest of the divisions and for the most part, didn't even want this to happen in the first place, rather, they needed something while Nick was away.

I used that to my advantage, convincing them that they were needed, how much Nick cares for all of them, so much so that even I -someone who didn't know any of them- could understand. Which was all true. I then ended up promising them that they'll be satisfied with the outcome of this war if they joined our side. They hesitated but ended up agreeing.

The Mysterious Demon (Sequel to TSFMTGL)Where stories live. Discover now