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"What are you guys doing?"

I looked away from Xavier to turn to Dominic who was leaning against the door frame, staring at the two of us with slight confusion. Her look would usually look cute to me, calm me down, but Xavier had confused my senses, my emotions on a roller coaster that I almost couldn't control. 

"Nothing, Demon, we were just having a man-to-man chat," Xavier answered casually. His voice was so normal as if what just happened here didn't shake my core. 

I watched as he walked past me with a hidden smirk and then to her which made me tense almost every muscle in my body. "Oh, am I disturbing you?" 

"Not at all." 

I kept a glaring eye on them when they leaned closer together and began mumbling about something I couldn't make out but ended in Xavier laughing out loud before playfully flicking her forehead. 

I turned my back on them quickly, trying to control myself as best as I could. This was what he was talking about, he's testing me, I can feel him internally laughing at me struggling and I hated it but I didn't want to doubt her. I didn't want to hurt her. So I turned back and told myself that I had to ignore it. Ignore my anger.

At some point, Xavier had left and I didn't realise Dominic was still here until she walked around and in front of me. "Hey," she said softly, lifting my head with one hand and holding my hand with one of hers. Her eyes looked worried but after everything, I felt uncomfortable so when she asked, "Are you okay?" I unintentionally pulled away from her touch as quickly as I could but on realising how that looked I moved to rub the back of my neck instead, putting on a smile and replied,

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go back to the others." I then walked out and back to the main room where they were now talking about Nick's plan with his gang and such but I couldn't focus on any of it at all. Dominic came in a little after and sat next to me as we had been before. I sighed and looked at the side of her face while she looked forward, seemingly feeling nothing while I was conflicted. I reached and put an arm around her waist. I had to talk to her, find out the truth, until then, I was going to show everyone, including Xavier, that she was mine. 


I watched as Blake walked out of my training room before looking down at my hand which now felt...empty. The way he pulled away from me as if it hurt him, the fake smile he forced himself to put on, the rush to get away from me. All that ran through my mind was, what did Xavier tell him? 

I looked away from my hand and now up at my ceiling, a new habit of mine that I did unconsciously. I was looking for something, but just like every other time, there was nothing to be found. 

So, I decided with a heavy chest that I would go back into the room. I needed to talk to him, communication was the only way but until then, I had to be strong. 

When I walked back into the room he didn't turn to look at me but I sat next to him anyway. I looked at Xavier who seemed to have a certain look on his face, a look that he usually puts on when he's thinking of a plan. I sigh, his plans were never easy. 

What got my attention again though was when Blake snaked his arm around my waist, it was a small gesture but, it relaxed me, made me smile a little that not all was lost just yet. 


The day had passed, Nick and I went out driving for a bit, getting to catch up on a few things. He told me that his gang had a protocol for if he were to ever get caught which they had been following these past ten years. Each section of the gang wasn't to talk to one another, trades would be paused until he was able to continue. He was shit when it came to physically fighting and foresight, even I could see that, but when it came to planning and instructing, leading, he wasn't too bad. Now all he had to do was call a member from each segment and get everything running again. That is if he wanted to. 

The Mysterious Demon (Sequel to TSFMTGL)Where stories live. Discover now