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An alarm woke me up that morning, making me get up instantly.

I've been training with Dominic for 3 weeks now and these weeks have been some of the hardest I've had to go through physically. I thought having Dominic as my trainer would have been easy, we'd have fun all the time -and sometimes we do, but there's fear in her eyes, fear for me.

As I brushed my teeth and changed into my workout gear, I'm reminded why. Just as much as it hurts me to think that she was beaten up and humiliated in the worst way possible, she probably felt that same way thinking about me and what would happen if I were to go against the King. I've acted confident for her, told her I could do it, trained my ass off to get stronger and stronger each coming day, trying to put her fears to the side but in truth,

I doubted.

As strong as I was getting, there was still a part of me that thought that if Dominic couldn't do it, then how could I? And if I were able to defeat him, to gain the title of strongest street fighter, then how would that make Dominic feel? I didn't want to put her through something like that but whenever I've tried to talk to her about it she'd tell me that things like that weren't a problem, that thoughts like that would just drag me down, have me hesitate.

'Think of me as your challenge, not your setback. Just like how I thought of Xavier,' she had told me so I shook the thought out of my head. I was doing this for her and would win whether I liked it or not because he needed to be taught a lesson.

I walked down to the training room where Dominic was waiting for me. I caught her testing out one of the punching bags, her swings sharp, the contact loud and in the end, she did a quick turn and kicked at the height of someone's head which made the bag swing off of its hook. I stood impressed before going in to help her pick the bag up again but before I could, I noticed that her face which was semi-hidden by her hair held a smile.

"Morning," I greeted and she turned to me with a grin,

"Good morning!" We shared a quick kiss, the gentlest part of the day, before getting ready, "This is your last session before the face-offs, you ready?" My last day of intense workouts, my last day of 6-hour sessions from 9 am-3 pm, my last day of independent workouts from 9 pm-11 pm, my last day before the fight.

I grinned,

"As ready as I'll ever be."


We were at the 5-hour mark for today's training session, Dominic was teaching me a new hold which involved me being locked under her and as much as this position would have been desirable any other time, right now it was painful as fuck. Thankfully, she unlocked it when her phone went off, leaving me laying on the floor like a starfish because of my exhaustion.

"Alia will be here soon," she lets me know after her phone call. Alia was one of Dominic's trainees and she'd come for her lesson once a week for an hour as well. During this time Xavier would come and train me. In that sense, Alia is my saving grace. I love Dominic, but her workout sessions are far from easy. Even now when I should be used to the intensity, my legs shake, hardly able to carry me and even though we aren't focussed on ab work, laughing, sneezing, makes my core ache.

I look up to see Dominic leaning down to look at me while I was still on the floor. Her face held a soft expression, her beautiful smile playing on her lips, her eyes gleaming.

I wanted to ask her a question but nerves got the best of me and it ended up getting stuck in my throat, so instead, she lightly taps my cheek twice and says, "Come on hun, you had your break already, carry on going until Xavier gets here"

The Mysterious Demon (Sequel to TSFMTGL)Where stories live. Discover now