Chapter 1

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Hello everyone! This is my new book! I hope I will get the same amount of comments and love than I got on Temptation Island! Enjoy! xoxo Sam


Finally Louis can hear the sound of the bell. School has been killing him all day. He just wants to go home, listen to some music in his room and invite Zayn over for some videogames.

"Hey mate, so are we on for tonight then?" Zayn asks.

Louis nods. "Yeah, be at my place at six. My mom is making spaghetti."


Both boys grab their bag packs and walk towards the door. They can finally leave this hellhole called school.


Or not. Louis turns around to face his English teacher.


"Can you please stay for another minute?"

Louis rolls his eyes but nods, dropping the heavy bag full of books on the floor again.

"Can you tell Eleanor that I call her when I'm home?" Louis asks his best friend.

"Sure. I would like to wait for you mate but I have to drop Perrie off at home."

"No worries. See you later!" Louis shares a fist bump with his best friend and walks towards the teacher.

"What's up uncle J?" Louis jumps on one of the tables and smiles at the man in front of him.

"Louis..." the man says with a warning tone.

Louis rolls his eyes and sighs.

"Sorry, we are at school. What can I do for you mister Corden?" Louis says over politely, not even trying to hide the smirk on his face.

"You, nephew, will be the death to me one day. Anyway, this is important Louis so I would appreciate if you just sit on a chair and listen carefully to me."

Louis listens to his uncle and takes place on the chair that is standing under the table he was sitting on. Mister Cordon takes place behind his desk.

"It's only the end of October, Louis. Have you seen your grades?"

Louis stays silent. He knows his grades aren't the greatest ones. It's not his fault though. He has a lot of stuff to do. He has to hang out with Zayn, give enough attention to his girlfriend, do cool stuff to keep his status. No way he has still time left for studying.

"You are lucky I haven't told your mom yet. Maybe I will later when I come over for dinner."

"Uncle, please no!" Louis begs. He can't disappoint his mother like that. She will be so upset.

"Look, Louis. It's been years that you have been lucky and passed. This year is your senior year. You are going to university next year. Having a 5 out of 10 in the end of the schoolyear won't cut it. If you want to be accepted to a decent university, you have to do something."

"Like what, uncle? I'm not the brightest kid and you know it."

"That's nonsense. You are smart, Louis. You are just lazy. Look, I signed you up for something."

Louis raises his eyebrow.

"Signed me up? For what? Don't tell me I'm part of the mathletes now!"

James chuckles.

"I'm not stupid, Louis. I know that's not your thing. I signed you up for an exchange program. I discussed it with your mother and she thought it was a lovely idea. She gave me her autograph so it's settled. In 2 weeks there is someone from LA flying over to Doncaster. They will stay at your house for the next three months. After that they fly home and one month after that you will go for three months to the United States."

"WHAT? 3 months??? What about Zayn? And Eleanor? What if people forget about me here at school? No, this is horrible!" Louis feels anger boiling in his blood. He loves his uncle to death. He is his second father since his own died, but he can't be serious right now.

"Many people would like to be in your shoes now, Louis. It's an amazing opportunity and it's something that will blow universities away. It's a good chance to higher your grades. Come on, mate. Three months in the United States is amazing. It's a beautiful country."

"It's not like I have a say in this, have I?"

"No, you don't."

Louis rolls his eyes and takes his backpack from the floor again.

"I'll see you at dinner."

"See you, Louis."


The sun is shining on Harry, reflecting on the pink pair of sunglasses he is wearing. They have class outside now. Harry goes to the LA arts school, so everything is relaxed and chill, just like Harry is himself. Right now they have gym and the teacher decided it was a good idea to do some yoga. Harry really enjoys it and feels the stress leaving his body.

"How can you balance yourself like that?" Niall, Harry's best friend, whisper yells while trying to stand on one leg.

"Niall, sh. This is yoga. You are supposed to be quiet."

"But..." Niall can't finish his sentence and falls down in the grass, making the other students laugh.

"Oh no, Niall!" Harry offers his hand to the fake blond and helps him up.

"I hate gym class. Can't wait for painting class to start." The blond mocks.

"Oh, come on sweetheart. This is fun! Don't you feel yourself relax?"

"No, I feel pain in my bum, that's what I feel."

"I can always massage it, you know?" Harry winks.

"I'm going to tell you again, H. If I was gay as well, I'd do you. Unfortunately I don't feel attracted to dicks and I do like licking pussies."

Harry makes a disgusted face. "Pussies, just disgusting."

"Mister Styles? Is mister Styles attending this class?"

Miss Johnson, the secretary is now standing on the grass field where Harry's class is doing yoga.

"Yes, miss! That's me!" Harry smiles and waves at the older woman.

"You have to come with me. Principal Peterson is asking for you."

The whole class is watching Harry with curious eyes. Harry to the principal? The guy is a saint. It's impossible he has done something wrong.

Harry follows the woman. She knocks on the door and opens it when she hears a ' come in'.

"Mister Peterson, here is mister Styles."

The man smiles at Harry and points to the chair, saying that Harry can sit down.

"Hi, Harry! Are you okay?"

"Yes, sir. I'm just a bit confused... Have I done something wrong?"

The man laughs.

"Oh no, Harry. You haven't done anything wrong. I called you here to congratulate you!"

"Congratulate me?"

"Yes, Harry. I have read over a hundred applications to participate to the UK exchange program. I called you in to share the good news that we have picked you! In two weeks you will be attending Doncaster High and you'll stay there for three months. I would like to add that we will miss you that time here at school. I was doubting if we could miss you here as you are helping a lot with different programs  and clubs we are running but we would like to give you this chance. Are you happy?"

A huge smile appears on Harry's face.

"I'm over the moon, mister Peterson!"

From LA to UK {Larry Stylinson book 1}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora