Chapter 33

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"Why can't you just leave Stephanie's stupid ass, bring Liam and hang out with Perrie, Zayn and I, Haz." Louis whines, not wanting to separate ways with Harry. He has been used to being 24/7 together during the weekend and yesterday and he still really craves Harry's attention. He honestly can't get enough of it. The boy has him wrapped around his finger.

"Or you and Steph make up and we hang out all together."

"Okay, see you later." Louis says simply, making Harry rolls his eyes and a dry chuckle leaves his mouth.

"Lou, is it so bad to just talk to her, for me?" Harry looks at Louis with his big green eyes and normally Louis can't say no to those, but today is an exception.

"I'd do a lot for you, Haz but talking to Stephanie is not one of those things."

"Why are you even reacting like that? You are the one that dumped her." Harry says a bit annoyed. Why is it so difficult for his friend and his crush to get along?

"Don't judge when you heard one side of the story." Louis snaps, tightening his grip around his back. He wants to walk away from Harry, entering the school, but Harry grasps his wrist.

"Louis, no need to react like that. I'm sorry, that was out of line."

A sigh leaves Louis' mouth.

"I get it, you want us to get along. Just... don't make opinions about situations that you don't know about. I'm sorry I snapped, it is a sensitive subject and I'd really appreciate it if we don't talk about it anymore. Maybe I'll consider going out once with your friends then"

A huge smile appears on Harry's face.

"Really? You would do that for me?" Harry's eyes are shining. He knows it's a big deal for Louis and knowing that the boy is willing to do that, especially for Harry, makes his heart jump out of his chest and his crush on him even bigger.

The way Harry looks at him make Louis' knees go weak. He looks so happy and Louis wishes he could give that smile to Harry every single minute of the day.

"Yeah, I'd do that for you, but only for you Curly."

Both boys are blushing as they separate ways, going to their own group of friends.


"Hey Harry! You weren't in yesterday, nor was Louis. We were a bit worried." Stephanie says to the curly lad.

"I'm fine, don't worry. We overslept and Jay decided that it was okay to stay home for the day. It was an exhausting weekend."

"Oh yeah, you guys went to London. How was it, mate?" Liam asks, collecting his book for the morning classes.

"It was awesome." Harry smiles. "I had my first real English breakfast, we went into the dungeons, boat trip on the Thames."

"Boat trip!" Stephanie interrupts. "Who the fuck goes on a boat trip in December."

"Lou and I."

Stephanie rolls her eyes.

"Of course that was Louis' idea. Was he planning to push you off the boat or..."

"We're fine again."

"Are you?"

Liam rolls his eyes, knowing that if he doesn't interfere his friends are going to fight.

"So what else did you do, Harry?" the boy asks.

The frown on Harry's face disappears and he smiles.

"After we went to the Big Ben and we went on the London eye. That was definitely my favourite part." Harry says daydreaming about the kiss.

"The London Eye is pretty cool." Liam beams.

"Did you go in alone?" Stephanie gives Louis a weird look.

"No, I went in with Louis." Harry does his best to not start blushing. He can't say why his face has the colour of a tomato.

"Liar, Louis is scared of heights. He wouldn't even go on a normal Ferris wheel with me when we were dating."

"Oh yeah, I remember that! You guys were fighting because of it." Liam says thinking about that time he went on double dates with his ex Sophia and Louis and Stephanie.

"Well, he did go with me Steph." Harry says more snappier. He doesn't like it to hear about Louis' previous relationships. He is craving to be his future one himself.

"Whatever. I just wanted to ask you guys: My brother is back in town. He and his girlfriend broke up and they shared a flat together. We are having a small get together tonight. You should come over to my house."

"Oh is Tristan back? Haven't seen him in a while." Liam smiles. "I'll come."

"Harry? Are you coming over? You've never been to my house and you are here over a month."

"You are right. I'll come over. Can I bring Louis?" He asks, sounding really confident.

"Why would you bring Louis?"

"He told me that he is willing to talk to you guys if it makes me happy. I would be over the moon if you'd do the same." Harry says, giving both boys a hopeful look.

"I have no problem with Louis mate, never had."

"No." Stephanie just says.

"Are you serious? So you are going to admit that Louis is more adult like than you are? He is willing to talk to you for my sake. Why can't you do the same."

Stephanie just sighs.

"Ugh, okay. Bring him over, just... don't expect that we are going to be besties in the end of the evening. I'll probably still hate his guts."

"Awesome! Let me go to Louis right now." Harry leaves his two best friends standing at their lockers.

"Lou!" Harry runs happily towards the boy. He is so excited that Stephanie agreed to hang out together. Today is a good day.

Louis turns around, smile forming on his face when he sees the curly boy.

"Hey, Hazza. What's up?"

"It's arranged! We are going to Stephanie's house tonight." Harry says happily, clapping his hands.

The smile on Louis' face fades, and he quickly rolls his eyes.

"I thought you were here because you missed me, are you telling me this." He half jokes.

"I do miss you, but yeah I am here to tell you that. Are you coming with me Lou? Liam will be there as well! Please? Can I tell Steph that you agreed?"

Louis looks at his two best friends. Zayn is just smirking and Perrie is nodding, giving him the sign that he has to do what Harry asks.

"Fine, I'll come with you tonight."

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