Chapter 7

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The rest of the day at school was okay. The only problem is now that last period just ended and Harry can't find Louis. He really needs to find Louis, otherwise he doesn't know how to get back to the house.

Harry looks around but the brunette is nowhere to be found. A sigh leaves Harry's lips. This can't be happening. If Harry knew he would have signed up for this, he wouldn't have signed up at all.

Harry has a sparkle of hope when he sees the blond taking books out of her locker. He slowly walks towards her, scared for her reaction. She is one of Louis' best friends after all.

"Hi, Perrie."

Perrie turns around and smiles at the boy.

"Harry, hey! How was your first day?"

"It was alright, thank you. Have you seen Louis? I think I have to drive back home with him."

Perrie gives the boy a pitiful look.

"I'm sorry, Harry. Louis already left. He must have forgotten, I'm sure it's not on purpose. I drove to school today, if you want I can drop you off at the Tomlinson's? I haven't seen Lottie in a while and I miss the little girl."

"That would be really nice if it doesn't bother you."

"Nonsense. Do you have all your stuff?"

Harry nods.

"Well, my car is parked right in front of school. I can't do really a lot of walking on these shoes you know." Perrie jokes, pointing at her pair of Louboutins.

"I don't mind walking on heels."

"You can walk on heels?" Perrie says surprised, unlocking her car.

"I can, yeah. I'm not wearing Louboutins or something but I really like wearing boots with heels in winter. They are just really fashionable."

"Agreed, sister!" Perrie says snapping her fingers. Both of them step into the car and the opposite of this morning is happening. Harry and Perrie talk all the time, having conversations about art, music, life in LA,... Ten minutes are flying and Harry is actually having a good time with the blond girl.

When they arrive Harry wants to ring the bell, but Perrie stops him.

"There is a spare key in the flowerpot." She digs a bit in the sand and a few seconds later Harry sees a silver key. Perry opens the door and immediately puts the key back, entering her second home.

"PERRIE!!!!" Lottie runs towards the girl and jumps in her arms.

"Hey, there Perrie!" Jay smiles at the teenage girl.

"Harry, are you already home?" Jay looks surprised when she sees the curly haired American in her living room.

"Yeah, Perrie brought me home."

"What about Louis? He texted me saying that the two of you would go out together in the city?"

Fuck. What is Harry supposed to say? He doesn't feel comfortable lying to Jay but he can't make Louis hate him even more. Why is Louis putting him in those positions all the time?

"Harry was tired after his first day of school. I offered to drive him home." Perrie smiles, lying smoothly.

"Where is Louis? The only reason he could stay out is because he was showing you around." Jay is boiling. She punished her son, grounding him after the things he had said and done and yet here he is at the exact same day lying to her. Jay knows her son, probably he never planned on taking Harry out to see the city. Jay isn't even surprised to be honest.

Both Harry and Perrie look at each other in fear. What are they supposed to say. None of them knew that Louis was punished.

"You know what, I'm going to call him. He better gets his ass home within half an hour." Jay storms out of the living room which leaves Harry, Perrie and Lottie.

"Perrie, I'm bored. Do you want to play uno?" Lottie suggests.

"Yeah that's cool, Lots. I'll get the cards." Perrie walks towards a big cupboard filled with boardgames.

"Do you want to join us, Harry?" Lottie asks Harry sweetly.

"If that's okay with you I would love to join you guys."

"Of course you can!" Lottie grabs Harry's hand and pulls him towards the table where Perrie is already mixing the cards.

Harry is really happy and in that moment he doesn't really care what Louis thinks about him. He realises that he is not the problem, Louis is. His mother, friends and sister do like him. It will probably just a matter of time before Louis likes him as well. And if he doesn't, than really it's just Louis' loss. Harry feels happy and he is going to enjoy his time in this beautiful country and lovely people.


Louis is so annoyed. He can't believe his mother found out. The plan was that he would hang out with Eleanor for a bit, at least get laid, then pick Harry up again at school and go home. Of course that stupid American found himself a lift. How fucking amazing is that.

And now he is sitting at the kitchen table, his mother screaming at him.

"If I tell you that you are grounded, you are grounded Louis Tomlinson! That doesn't mean hanging around at your girlfriends house and feeding me lies about guiding Harry around! I am so disappointed in you."

Louis doesn't answer. He doesn't even look at his mother. He really isn't in the mood for all of this.

"Look at me when I talk to you, Louis. I will repeat this again. You are not allowed to leave the house for two weeks!"

"But mom, you said a week!" Louis protests.

"That was before you decided to ignore my orders. Now please just get out of here, go to your room or something, I don't want to see you, Louis. I'm really angry at you and you broke my trust."

That last sentence hurt Louis a lot. Broke his mother's trust? That stings.

"I'm sorry, mom."

"If you are sorry boy, show it."

"By doing what?"

"At least be nice to Harry. He is a nice person. Look at him playing games with your sister and your friend."

Louis feels hurt again, looking at Harry getting along with two of the most important people in his life.

"He's trying to take my place." Louis whispers, looking down at the three of them. Jay walks up to her son and hugs him tightly. 

"No, Louis. He is trying to find a place next to you. Give him a chance."

From LA to UK {Larry Stylinson book 1}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon