Chapter 41

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The boys just had dinner and now they are both in their own rooms. Louis is on the phone with Perrie and Harry is with Niall.

"You look a lot better compared to last week." Niall comments.

"I really want to give a sarcastic comment but I know you are right. Louis is back."

"You are crushing like crazy on the boy aren't you?"

"I am, and it's really hard because I can't fully flirt with him or something you know. He needs me as a friend and that's what I will be."

"Just take care that you don't hurt yourself, Haz. You've had a bad experience with a curious straight guy before."

"I know but Nick and Louis aren't the same. There is nothing that I can compare to Louis. Also, he told me that he doesn't want to use me. I can't wait for you guys to meet, Niall. Louis is so awesome."

"Should I get jealous?"

"Shut up and eat your chocolate." Harry jokes.

"That's not an answer, Styles! Are you going to hurt my feelings?"

"I care about you both the same, just in a different way. Sorry to break it to you but I don't have a crush on you Nialler."

"Auwtsch, thinking that I would fuck you if I were gay."

"You'd fuck any guy if you were gay, Ni."

"No. I wouldn't fuck grimshit."

Harry rolls his eyes.

"Louis isn't like Nick."

"You tell me that Harry and I really want to trust you on your word. I'm just worried because you are on the other side of the fucking Atlantic and I can't take care of you and I can't see it for myself. I just don't want you to get your heart broken again by some straight guy that is leading you on and using your kindness."

"Thank you Niall but don't worry. You'll see when you actually get to meet him. He is perfect, he really is."

"Okay, Harry. Just don't let yourself fall too easily, yeah?"

Just as Harry is about to answer, he hears a knock on the door.

"That's Louis. I should go now, Niall."

"Okay, Haz. Just a little bit less than a month and you are back! I can't wait!"

Sadness goes over Harry when he hears Niall's words. Not that he isn't happy to go back home, he really is. He misses his family and friends and the artsy subjects in school. But it also means he won't see Louis for a month. His heart physically hurts when he thinks about that.

Harry quickly says buy and finishes the call, screaming that Louis can enter the room.

Harry is surprised when he feels the full weight of the boy on top op him. Louis hugs him tightly and as a reflex Harry puts his arms around the boy as well.

"To what do I own this honour?" Harry chuckles.

"Thank you so much, Hazza." Louis whispers, tightening his grip around the younger boy.

"Not that I don't like this cuddle, but why Lou?" Harry carefully pushes the boy away from him and puts a stray of hair behind his ear. He wants to see those beautiful blue eyes.

"Perrie told me about your fight with Tristan. She asked me what happened because she said that you kept yelling that he has to go away and stuff."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, Lou. I didn't want you to get upset. I just wanted him to leave before you'd come out."

Louis smiles and nods, a single tear escaping the corner of his eye.

"I know, Hazza. Thank you so much for protecting me. You are perfect..."

Louis' face is coming closer to Harry's and Harry feels his heart beating out of his chest. Louis closes his eyes, leaning more in. And as much Harry wants to have another taste of those lips, he can't do this, not right now.

Louis feels a light pressure on his chest, being pushed away slightly. The boy wants to cry now, he feels so embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry, I... I thought you wanted this. You probably changed your mind god I'm so stupid." Louis is rattling, not even breathing between his words.

"Louis, relax."

Louis starts to sob, speaking to himself. Harry can't make out the words because of the speed Louis is saying them. The only things he can make out or 'idiot' and 'stupid' and 'too late'.

"Lou, baby please relax." Harry carefully grabs his wrists to calm him down.

"Look at me, Lou." But Louis refuses to move his look from his hands. He feels so ashamed. Harry doesn't want to kiss him anymore, he is too late.

Harry lets go of one wrist to pull up Louis' head, placing his finger under his chin.

"I really want to kiss you, but now is not the good time. You aren't ready. You are overwhelmed with emotions and I'm not taking advantage of that, babe. You are hurt and an old wound is opened up again. You need time to heal, to think and to be yourself again. I don't want you to do something that you regret because it will hurt both you and me in the end. When everything is fine again, when you feel like yourself again, and you still want to kiss me, please kiss the hell out of me. But for now, I want you to focus on yourself and your healing process. I'll be here by your side. Take all the time that you need to heal, Lou. Don't rush anything. Don't be scared that you will be too late. I am here, always will be. I don't want to take advantage of you while you are going through this emotional rollercoaster. I care way too much about you to do that, baby."

"This is exactly what scares me." Louis whispers.

"What scares you, love."

"The way you care, the way you treat me so right, how you always know what to say. You give me that feeling that scares the fuck out of me. I feel myself falling in love with you and it's really, really scary."

"I know it is." Harry takes Louis' head and carefully makes it rest on his chest while he is playing with his hair. "Feelings are scary and for sure when you are hurt and vulnerable at the same time like you are now. But you will be fine, Lou. I got your back. You will find out what you really feel. That's why we are not kissing now, babe. You are still scared to fall in love and I understand, for sure after all you have been through. But when you are finally ready to fall, my love, I'll be there to catch you and I'll never let you go."

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