Chapter 28

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Louis hasn't said one word to Harry during the whole week. As much as Harry tried to talk to him, to apologise, Louis just ignored him. It's not back to how it was before, Louis is not trash talking Harry or trying to give him a bad name, he just ignores Harry's whole existence and honestly Harry is not sure what is worse.

It's Friday, early evening and the Tomlinson's and Harry are on their way to London. They just made a stop at McDonald's to grab some food and now they are around 1,5 hour away from the capital city. Louis is sitting in the front next to his mother, Lottie and Harry are in the back playing silly games like 'I spy with my little eye' or something, Louis isn't sure of the name.

"What do you guys want to do tomorrow?" Jay asks, turning the radio a bit down.

Louis isn't answering, he is texting in his group chat he has with Zayn and Perrie, complaining about how desperately he wants to go back home.

"There are loads of amazing things in London." Harry admits. "I did some research when I applied for the Imperial college, they have a great art program."

"Would you like to study here in the UK, sweetheart?" Jay asks, looking at Harry from her mirror.

"Yeah, we have a similar school back in the US in LA and New York, but the one in London is the best in my opinion." Harry admits.

"Louis wants to study in London as well, don't you sweetheart." Jay tries her best to pull her son into the conversation He has been avoiding social contact all week at home.


"Tell Harry what you would like to study, Lou! It's so cool!" Lottie's voice is full of excitement.

"I'm not even sure yet, Lottie." Louis says using an annoyed tone.

"Oh come on, Louis. It is your thing. Go ahead, tell him." Jay spurs on her son.

"Performing arts, kind of musical education." He finally answers. If he keeps his mouth shut his mother will just keep talking and talking and it makes Louis tired.

"We have that kind of program in LA. If you want I can help you apply for it so you can do it when you stay at mine?" I bet it looks good on your application form." Harry is choosing his words carefully, not wanting to anger Louis. They haven't spoken for a few days.

Louis just nods, barely moving his head.

"Yeah, that would be nice."


Finally the family arrives at the hotel and Jay gives the key from Louis' and Harry's room to her son. Louis first begged his mother not to share, that he will pay for his own room with the money that he saved, but Jay just rolled her eyes and told her son to grow up.

"Which bed do you want?" Harry's voice is soft.

"Don't really care." Louis' eyes are glued on his phone like he always does when he wants to avoid a conversation.

"Okay." Harry goes to the second bed and throws his small suitcase on it. He saw Louis eyeing the one next to the window when they walked in.

Both boys put their stuff in the closets that are way too small, take turns to take a shower, and lay in their own bed.

"Can I turn off the light?" Harry asks. It's getting late and tomorrow they have to wake up early. They are meeting up with Jay and Lottie at 7:30 for breakfast.


Harry stands up and turns the light off, falling down in his bed again.

"Louis, can we talk? I really can't keep doing this." Harry is desperate. He misses Louis so much. He is literally sharing a room with the boy but he couldn't be further away.

"Not now, Harry. I am really tired and it's late."

"So when? You've been avoiding me since Monday afternoon. I know I made a mistake, Lou but I miss you so much." Harry's voice is shaking from fighting the tears. He doesn't understand himself. Yeah he might have a small crush on Louis, but he shouldn't be that effected by the boy ignoring him. He knows him a little bit more than a month and that month mainly existed out of Louis being a dick or Louis being locked up in his room. He shouldn't be so attached to the British lad.

It remains quiet for a bit until Louis starts to speak.

"Tomorrow. We will talk tomorrow."


"Good morning!" Jay is way too happy in the morning. Her and Lottie are already sitting at the table when Harry and Louis come down. "Did you sleep well."

Louis ignores the question and just takes the tea that is set on the table. He pours his own cup and hesitantly takes Harry's cup as well, filling it and handing it back.

Harry gives the boy a small smile. This is progress for sure.

"Thanks, Lou."

Louis just nods but this time Harry doesn't take it personally. Louis just really doesn't like talking in the morning.

"I already ordered our English breakfast. Harry, I got you a vegetarian one!"

"I heard a lot about those famous breakfasts. I am really curious about it."

"It's nice." Louis speaks, voice soft. "I love it."

"Yeah, mom always makes us English breakfasts on birthdays, Christmas, thanksgiving and Lou and I cook her one on mothers' day." Lottie smiles before taking a sip from her orange juice.

On time the waiter comes to the table with four big plates. Harry's eyes are popping out.

There is toast, eggs, mushrooms, beans in tomato sauce, some grilled veggies and Harry's favourite: avocado.

"I can't believe they put avocado on the vegetarian version. That's literally killing our breakfast and dragging it's name through mud." Louis says eyeing Harry's plate.

"What's wrong with avocados?" Harry asks, putting some on his toast.

"Trendiest food of all time. I can't believe you are eating avocado on toast. If I weren't angry with you already, I would be now." There was a slight hint of humour in Louis' voice which makes Harry smile. This is the most they have talked the past few weeks.

"You don't like it?" Harry asks, taking a bite.

"He never tried it. He refuses to eat it. He has this weird hate towards avocados." Lottie rolls her eyes before eating a piece of bacon.

"Tuesday I'll make you a nice dish with avocados, Lou. Don't worry, I think you will like it." Louis just rolls his eyes and finishes his breakfast. No way he was going to try avocados.  

From LA to UK {Larry Stylinson book 1}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن