Chapter 18

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Harry decides that after ten minutes it's time to go to Louis' room. The boy is starving and he really wants pizza. He softly knocks on the door next to his.

"Stan if that's you I will smash your face." Louis snaps.

"It's me." Harry says softly, carefully opening the door.

Louis' face expression softens and looks at the boy with a small smile.

"Hey Harry, I didn't expect for you to be back already. I was only joking when I said you have to be home at ten." the smaller boys laughs and Harry joins in.

"I know, don't worry. I was just wondering if you would like to eat pizza? I'm going to order some."

"I'd love to get pizza but didn't you eat already on your date?"

"Let me tell you that story when I ordered. Now I just really crave food. Which pizza do you want, Louis?"

"I'll take a vegetarian one."

Harry raises his eyebrow.

"A vegetarian one?"

Louis nods.

"Yeah, I'm not that hungry and you honestly sound like you are starving. You can finish my pizza ass well then."

Harry feels his body tingling and his heart beating like crazy. He bites his lip, but the corners of his mouth are curling up too much. He is not able to hide the smile.

"Thanks, that's actually really nice. You don't have to, Lou. You can choose whatever you like."

"And that's a veggie pizza. Stop fighting me and order my food, curly." Louis winks at Harry, showing he is just joking and not being mean.

"Fine, I'll order the pizzas and then I'll help you to get downstairs."


"I can't believe he took you to a fucking steakhouse, dick!" Louis says full unbelief, his mouth stuffed with pizza.

"The waiter really looked at me like 'wtf dude wrong restaurant' when I asked for the vegetarian options." Harry laughs.

"He is such a jerk."

"Tell me about it, when I rejected his kiss he was being so horrible about it. Then he just told me he wanted to get into my pants."

Louis' jaw drops.

"You can't be serious, did he actually say that?"

Harry nods, taking a bite off his pizza.

"Yup, before he drove away. I'm so glad I never did something with him on the party or after."

"I bet his dick is small and full of scum."

"Louis! I'm still eating! Please let me enjoy one meal!" Harry moans. "I really don't want the image of that."

"Here, you can have the rest of mine. I'm full." Louis pushes his pizza box towards Harry, giving the boy 3 extra pieces.

"Are you sure you don't to eat more, Lou?"

Louis shakes his head.

"I finished a pack of cookies this afternoon."

Harry takes the piece of pizza from Louis' box and takes a bite.

"I heard you talking to Stan and Jonathan." Harry admits after a bit of silence.

Louis' heart starts beating fast.

"Did you? What did you hear?"

"You blowing off the bet. Thank you, Louis. It means a lot to me that you didn't accept that."

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