Chapter 19

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Louis foot is still hurting and he can't really do a lot today. It's annoying him. Louis is a very energetic person and chilling on the couch is nice for one day, but not two in a row. It's noon when Louis finally decides to leave his bed. He really doesn't care. He is only moving from his bed to the couch.

"What have you done, you idiot?" Lottie asks when she sees Louis jumping on one leg.

"Are you already back? Can't you just live with your friend? What's her name?"

"Fizzy and yeah I'd rather live with her than being with you."

"Why did I think it was a good idea to have two children." Jay mumbles, more to herself. "Or just children at all." It makes Harry giggle.

"Good morning, Louis." The curly says to the grumpy teenager. He knows by now that Louis loves to sleep as long as possible and that when he wakes up, doesn't matter early or late, the boy is grumpy as fuck.

Immediately Louis' bad mood disappears and he gives Harry a small smile.

"Good morning, Hazza"

Louis jumps towards the couch and falls down next to his favourite bunch of curls.

"Should I make you some tea?"

"It's fine, Harry I'll go myself. You are not my slave."

"No, no it's fine. Please rest." Harry disappears to the kitchen and comes back within a minute with a cup of tea.

"Thank you." Louis gives Harry an admiring look, and Harry looks exactly the same way at Louis. It makes both Lottie and Jay smile at each other, giving the other a knowing look.


"I've got a six! YES!" Louis yells happily while playing frustration with his mom, sister and Harry. Louis loves playing games so much. It's honestly Louis' favourite entertainment.

"Why would you kick me off!" Lottie complains when Louis kicks her off the board. "You could perfectly just put a new one on the board! There was no reason to do this, Louis." Lottie moans, rolling her eyes.

"If you have the ability to kick someone off you should do that. That's the game, Lots. Now don't cry and hand me the dice again please. It's my turn again."

Lottie sighs and throws the dice at Louis' face.

"Lottie!" Jay warns her daughter.

"Yeah, yeah don't be a sore loser."

It makes Harry smile. Louis and Lottie are exactly the same when they play games. Both are the worst losers Harry has ever seen.

"I can't believe you! You had a three! You could kick off Harry, yet you chose to move the other one! What the hell, Louis! You just told me that you have to kick the other off when you can and we are literally at the same round and you don't listen to your own bullshit. God you are so frustrating." Lottie growls.

"Harry is an exception." Louis easily explains, passing the dice at his mother. He gives the curly lad a smile which Harry returns. Harry feels butterflies in his stomach only watching the boy in front of him.

"Jerk." Lottie mumbles under her breath.

"Charlotte, language!" the mother warns.

Louis gives a knowing smirk at his sister and then looks at Harry, giving him a quick wink and bites his lip when he sees the boy getting all red. Harry is cute.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THIS, HARRY STYLES!" Louis screams when Harry kicks him off the board. "YOU COULD EASILY HAVE DONE SOMETHING ELSE!"

"I remember someone telling me that if you have the possibility to kick someone off the board, you should do that."

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