Chapter 50

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It has been an hour since Louis left Perrie's house. He is sitting outside in the park. He never comes to the park with his friends because it's his place to just think and be alone. He is freezing and he can't feel his fingers anymore, but he refuses to leave. He just sits there, emptying his mind. He wants to feel completely numb, not only his fingers. He ignores the little machine buzzing in the pocket of his jeans. He just wants to be alone with his thoughts and figure everything out.

Being in love should be a good thing. Louis should be happy that he found his special someone. Harry is an amazing person that treats him right and cares. Harry admitted that he has feelings for Louis and he clearly showed he cared about Louis' feelings by not wanting to force him. Harry has done nothing but been good to Louis. Why can't Louis just can't get his shit together and admit that he is head over heels for him? Louis is so frustrated with himself.


"What do you mean he is not at home?" Perrie says through the phone.

"Like I just said, Perrie! Louis is not here, he should be still at yours." Harry answers. "Are you trying to say that he isn't?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying! He left an hour ago but he is not picking up his phone. He left.. not in a good state. Harry I'm really worried about him."

"Pick me up. We are going to look for him." Without saying another word he finishes the phone call. He grabs his crutches and moves to the hallway to grab a pair of shoes and his coat.

"Harry, where are you going?" Lottie asks.

"I'm going out for a bit with Liam." He smiles weakly at the younger girl, not wanting to make her worry about her brother.

"Your face looks like you are about to cry and have a panic attack." She studies Harry's face that indeed looks pale and his eyes are teary. He can't help but being worried about Louis. It's nothing for him to just stay away without saying anything. Also, Louis has been calling all afternoon and he did stop since an hour ago. Harry just thought that it was because he was focused on his project or having fun with his friends.

"Yeah, I'm still emotional about Stephan becoming a ripper and breaking up with Elena." He lies. Lottie doesn't really buy it but nods.

"If you lie to me don't think I will wait for you to keep watching." With these words the younger girl turns around. "Just know that if there is something wrong with my brother, I want to know it."

Harry thinks about telling the girl the truth but gets interrupted by a honk. Harry grabs his crutches and stumbles into the car, stepping clumsy in the back.

"What happened. Why wasn't he in a good state?" is the first thing Harry says when Zayn starts driving.

"We just discussed a sensitive subject. If I knew he would just disappear I wouldn't have brought it up." Perrie admits.

Harry doesn't want to continue the discussion. He just wants to have Louis back. It's freezing cold outside and it's not healthy to be out in this temperature. It's easily minus seven, but after an half an hour of driving they still haven't found their friend.

"The only place left is the park, but Louis doesn't really like the park. He never comes with us when we go there. I doubt that he is there" Zayn says.

"If he doesn't want to be found that's exactly the place where he will be." Harry mumbles. "We should go to the park."

"Mate I don't think you will..."

"Park, Zayn." Harry snaps, not being able to control his emotions. Zayn's jaw clenches but he still follows Harry's orders. When they arrive there Harry grabs his crutches from next to him and steps out of the car.

"Harry, you should stay in the car. It's not a good idea to walk on your crutches now. You might fall again. If that happens Louis will kill us. We will go." Perrie says wanting to stop the curly lad.

"I don't care. I need to find him. He is not fine and he is alone. I can't leave him like that." Perrie only nods.

"I'll go north, you go south?" she suggests. The park is quite big.

"Yeah, fine."

"I'll stay in the car in case he leaves the park." Zayn says, both Harry and Perrie nodding, going both their own ways.


Full in tears Harry tries to make his way back to the car. His foot is killing him but the reason he cries is because he still hasn't found Louis. He feels so defeated. He really hopes Perrie has found him.

"Harry!" The curly lad looks up, seeing Zayn wave from his car. Harry doesn't move faster, but when he has a better look, he sees a smaller figure sitting in the back of the car, watching out of the window. He'd recognise those blue eyes from miles away. Harry speeds up as fast as he can with his crutches until he reaches the car panting.

"Lou!" Harry lets himself fall into the car and he grabs the younger boy, holding him close to his body. Louis feels like an ice cube.

"I've been so worried." Harry cries, tears from relief. "So damn worried. Are you okay?" He carefully pushes Louis a bit off him.

"I'm good. Hazza, you shouldn't have gone into the park with those crutches. The ground is uneven, it's slippery and you could have fallen again."

"I don't care. I needed to find you. You didn't answer your phone."

"I don't want to interrupt you guys but we're going to pick up Perrie at the other entrance. Just wanted to inform you."

Both boys ignore Zayn, only focussed on each other. and Harry takes off his scarf.

"Here, you need it. You are freezing. Why did you do that, Lou? You could have hypothermia." Harry takes his coat off as well, wrapping it around Louis.

"I'm sorry" Louis whispers, his voice sounding broken.

"No need to apologise. Come here." Harry pulls Louis closer to him, trying his best to warm up the smaller guy. He softly kisses the skin on his forehead.

"Harry?" Louis' voice is barely audible.

"Yeah, Lou?" Harry plays with the soft feathery hair.

Louis hides his face completely in the crook of Harry's neck. Harry can feel the contrast from Louis' freezing cold cheeks and hot salty tears on his own skin.

"I love you." 

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