Chapter 9

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The next morning goes really well. The Tomlinsons and Harry have breakfast together, including Louis. He doesn't talk a lot but he is there so that's a big step. Also Harry has understood that Louis isn't a morning person so probably the boy wouldn't really talk anyway at the breakfast table.

Right now both boys are in the car. They haven't talked yet, Harry is scared to start the conversation. He doesn't want to push his luck with the feathery haired boy.

"You can choose a song if you want to. Just put your phone in the AUX." Louis says breaking the silence. He give Harry a little smile and for some reason it makes Harry blush. Louis has a really nice smile and his eyes are even more blue when the boys shows his perfectly white teeth. Louis notices the red cheeks of the boy and bites his lip, hiding a smirk while disconnecting his phone.

"Which kind of music do you like?" Harry says after scraping his throat.

"Anything. It's hard to find a type of music that I don't like. I live for music."

Harry scrolls on his phone, looking for a song that Louis might like. Harry himself loves music as well so he almost has every single style on his phone, but his weakness lays with songs that are a bit older and not part of the top 40 charts right now.

"Dolly Parton! She is an icon!" Louis exclaims when he hears the first notes of Jolene playing.

"She is, right!" Harry answers with the same enthusiasm as the boy next to him.

Both boys are singing until they reach school going from Dolly Parton to Bon Jovi and finishing with The Rolling stones. Louis parks the car and the two of them walk inside the school building.

"Which class do you have first?" Louis asks.

"History, what about you?"

"I'm free first period."

"Are you? I could have walked or something Louis or taken the bus."

"It's fine. I'll probably just go to the library to get some studying done. I haven't really studied in a long time."

"Thanks for driving me."

"It's fine, really Harry. It's not like I could have done something at home. Mom is at work and Lottie is at school as well. Do you maybe want to go to the library for a bit until your class starts? You have ten more minutes. If you want we can have lunch together as well. You can join Zayn, Perrie, El and I."


Harry turns around when he hears a female voice. The redhaired girl walks towards him and Louis. She gives the smaller boy a dirty look, getting one in return herself as well, before she starts talking to Harry.

"We've got history in ten minutes. Do you already want to go to the classroom? Like this we can claim the back and sleep in peace during the whole period." she jokes, swinging her arm around her newmade friend.

"Sure, that's fine. I have class now, Louis. I'll see you later?" Harry looks towards his housemate and Louis only nods.

"Yeah, see you at home."

"What about lunch?"

"Let's not do that. We already eat together at home."

"Oh, okay. Bye then." Harry sounds disappointed and when he walks away with Stephanie Louis can hear the girl mutter the words 'what an asshole'. Louis' jaw clenches and he swings his bag over his shoulder, walking towards the library. He can't explain why it pisses him off so much that Harry choses to go early to history instead of going to the library with him. It's not like they are really friends yet still Louis has this weird feeling inside. It's probably hate he feels towards the boy. How can his mother expect Louis to make amends with the boy when Harry literally drops him for his ex? It's official. Louis hates Harry. That uno night thing and the singing in the car was a one-time thing.


"What an asshole." Stephanie says under her breath when she leaves together with Harry for history.

"He is not, Steph. I know you have issues with him from the past but honestly he can be really nice." Harry feels the need to defend the smaller boy. He really doesn't like it when he hears people talk bad about him. It makes him feel on the edge of angry.

"I know he can act nice, Harry. I have dated him. That doesn't mean he is nice." Hearing Stephanie say that she was together with the boy makes Harry feel some weird kind of way. He can't imagine Louis and Stephanie kiss. It makes him gag.

"You guys were fourteen. I think he has changed since then. We have played uno yesterday together with Lottie and Perrie. It was a really nice evening." I think Louis is starting to open up to me a bit. Harry smiles when he thinks about last night. It was only a silly card game and a lot of bickering and laughing but he really, really enjoyed it.

"Do you even want him to open up to you? He treated you so bad, Harry. I don't get it why you desperately want to make friends with him. You have Liam and me."

"I live with him, Steph. And honestly I really like Louis. He can be funny. Everybody deserves a second chance. Maybe the two of you even get along as well you know after a while."

Stephanie shakes her head aggressively. "NO! That's not going to happen. If you are trying to play matchmaker or something Harry, I don't see myself getting back together with that jerk."

Harry's jaw clenches. First of all because Stephanie called Louis a jerk again and second because she even thought for a second Harry would play Cupido between the two of them. Nope, that was never Harry's intention.

"I don't want you guys back together. Louis has Eleanor as well so I don't think that's going to happen. I just want you guys to get along because when I invite you over or something Louis will be there because I live with him."

Stephanie only nods. "We won't be getting along, Harry. He has hurt me too much in the past. I hope you understand. That doesn't mean I don't want to be friends with you. You are a nice guy."

The pair stops talking when the old history teacher enters the class.

Harry gives Stephanie a smile, telling her that it is fine and he gets it. He just hopes that his friendship with Louis doesn't ruin his friendship with Stephanie and the other way around.

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