Chapter 61

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Louis grandmother ends up really liking Harry. She can't stop talking to the curly lad and listens attentively to all the stories the American boy has to tell. Harry is really at ease now and he thought Louis would be as well, but to his surprise he isn't.

The older boy hides his hands in his sleeves while picking on his nails. Harry knows exactly what that means. When the oldest of the room excuses herself to go to the bathroom, Harry turns to his boyfriend.

"Babe, what's going on?" he whispers. The rest of the family is all in conversation with each other, nobody paying attention to the two boys.

"Nothing, I'm good. Why would there be something going on? There isn't, haha. Oh, you silly Hazza."

"You're rambling." Harry raises his eyebrow. "Come on, Lou. Be honest with me."

"I'm just nervous about the present I got you." He confesses.

Harry smiles, relieved that Louis is worried about something small like that and not something major.

"You don't have to worry about that, baby. I like anything you give me. That's not something to worry about." Harry gently kisses his forehead and Louis grabs his hand, playing with the different rings on his finger.

Louis looks up to see his uncle, the man just winks at his nephew noticing how nervous he is. Louis gives him a small smile and breaths in. This is really nerve wrecking to him.


Louis, Harry, Lottie and James are playing games together while Jay and her mother are in a conversation when the doorbell rings.

"Who is visiting on Christmas?" Harry asks confused.

"It's my present for you." Louis smiles shyly. "Stay here, I'll be back in a bit."

A big smile appears on Harry's face. He is really excited about Louis' present. It only takes a few seconds for Louis to come back, he is not alone.

"Merry Christmas, little bro."

Harry's eyes go wide and his jaw drops. His eyes are getting watery. It's like he can't believe what's happening now.


The girl has a cheeky smile.


Harry drops the dice that he had in his hand and runs over to his sister, hugging her tightly.

"I can't believe you are here." Harry is crying now.

"I missed you, my little idiot."

"I'm taller, gems."

"I'm older, Haz."

Finally Harry lets go of his sister and he turns to the other people in the room. He knows that he probably looks horrible now but he already had accepted that this year would be a Christmas without his family. Gemma being here is still unreal to the guy.

"I am so sorry. I'm a mess." Harry apologises. "But this is my sister Gemma." Harry introduces her to the family.

"Gem, this is James, Jay, Lottie, Elisabeth and that's my boyfriend, Louis."

"It's nice to meet you all, although I already kind of know Louis." The older girl winks at her brother's boyfriend.

"What do you mean?" Harry is really confused now.

"Why don't you explain it huh, Romeo?" Gemma says nudging Louis. Louis really likes the attitude of the American girl. It reminds him of a female version of himself.

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