part 10

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When the girl woke up she was in a bright, white room and there was a beeping noise next to her. People were talking all around her. All the noise made her head hurt. Wait. Noise?

She shot up and looked around frantically, the beeping increased its pace and the voices stopped. Her eyes caught them in the corner of the room. Three adults in white coats were talking to the black haired man and there were a bunch of people outside the room, peering in through the glass. It made her very uncomfortable to have all these people looking at her. The black haired hero looked at her and then walked up to her.

"Hey kid. It's ok, you're in a hospital. These are doctors and they are here to help you. How are you feeling?"

She let out a soft whimper but answered him. "I good."

"That's good." He gave her a soft smile.

"Are you hungry? I can have one of the doctors bring you something."

She looked at the doctors hesitantly, then looked back at the hero and nodded.

"Alright," He looked at the doctor and beckoned them to get something for her to eat.

"Scaired." He looked concerned.

"Why? You're safe here."

She looked at the people staring at her through the glass, they were whispering to themselves. She then looked away and whimpered, hiding her face in the sheets of the hospital bed.

The man followed her eyes and when he realized what was causing her to be scared he stood up and moved to cover the windows, blocking the people from seeing her.

"There you go, they can't see you anymore." He gave her a soft smile.

"Tan k oo."

The first few days the girl spent in the hospital, the doctors were running as many tests as they could think of, she had so many injuries, new and old. The black haired hero stayed with her most of the time and even introduced her to his husband, Hizashi Yamada, otherwise known as Present Mic, and many other heroes tried to ask her questions, to which she would hide from them or spark her hands in a warning. She only let a handful of people into the room, those being the black haired hero, his husband and the doctors and nurses. If anyone else came in she would hide or spark her hands and growl, baring her teeth.

Her open wounds had cauterised themselves within a day so most of her new wounds were gone. The only ones left were the old scars and the broken bones that hadn't healed properly.

After those first few days, the black haired hero started to ask questions. About her life, the man, why she was in that little cottage, what the man had done to her, everything.

And she answered him, she could sense he was trustworthy and honest and wouldn't hurt her. If anything he would protect her like he had when the man had shown up.

After they had known everything they tried to find some form of biological family to take her in but after about 2 weeks they were unsuccessful.


"Yes, little one?"

"Why can I no stay wi yoo?" Akira asked, her long flopping ears moving down, one tilting up in a questioning gesture. Her head was turned sideways and her hands were gripping the edge of her hospital gown. They had put her in the gown along with little white socks and had also given her a little cardigan to keep her arms warm. She looked up at him with wide, curious eyes and a little pout to her lip.

"What do you mean, koji?"

"Why can i no go wit yoo and dama two yoor home?"

The other heroes that were outside the room and the doctors and nurses had gone quite. Hazashi was squealing and smiling happily.

"OF COURSE YOU CAN LITTLE KIT!!!" He shrieked. Aizawa put his hand up to stop him before turning to her.

"Do you want to, koji? Do you want to go home with me and zashi?" he asked, squatting down to her heights and tilting his head to look at her. His long black hair cascaded forward over his shoulders.

"If I cawn..... Can I?" Her eyes watered a bit and her lip quivered.

He looked up at the doctors and heroes. "Its up to them, little one."

She looked at them then turned her charm on. Her eyes widened and she put sparkles in her eyes and jutted out her lip in a pout. She put her hands on her chest and gripped the clothes there before begging in a soft but high pitched whine. "Puleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese?" Her body glowed a bit and she started to spark.

They couldn't say no to her and her absolutely adorable face.

What they didn't know, and neither did she, Akira was influencing their thoughts with her quirk. She was controlling the electric waves and neurons in their brains into agreeing with her. They literally couldn't say no, even if they wanted to.

The head doctor looked at her, "Well I don't see why not. You need someone who can stop your quirk if you get out of control and you're perfectly healed. You also seem really attached. What do you think?" He had turned to the other heroes.

They all agreed with the doctor.

And so, she went to live with Aizawa and Yamada.

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