Part 1

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Blue light shot out into the sky, so strong and powerful it was seen all around the world. Everyone was staring at it in awe. Even with all the quirks, they had never seen anything like this before. Such power and everyone could feel it. It sent chills and shivers up their spins and made the hair on their arms and the back of their necks stand on end. What was giving off such great power?...

They could tell it came from somewhere in Japan but where?

In the little town of Shirakawa, there was a little house near a hill. There on top of the hill was a beautiful weeping willow, decorated in soft snow and white snow lilies littered the ground. A creek stood close to the hill and there you could find frogs and tadpoles and little fishes swimming and lazing about in its cold wintry water.

The little house was cute and warm, with fairy flowers dangling from the roof and moss crawling up the walls. Siberian cypress was surrounding the outside, almost as if the plant was protecting the house. Wild rose bushes stood at the entrance, blocking it off to anyone who would try to get in.

Even if the house was abandoned, it didn't look like it. It looked wild but cleanly, a neat way. It was blocked off, shielded, from any and everyone. The house has been abandoned for years, or so the town thought.

Until a great electric blue light burst through its ceiling, lighting up the sky and telling everyone that something was going on. A tremendous power was rolling off it in waves, suffocating everyone in town with the weight and power it carried. They tried to go and see what it was but the sheer power kept them back. The farthest anyone was able to go was 5 kilometers from the house.

Heroes from all around the world hurried to see what was going on. and reporters tried getting as close as possible.

One hero, in particular, was able to push through the power. No one else was able to and the hero made it look so easy. It was almost like the power allowed him to go through. Everyone kept their eyes on the hero and the house. He walked right up to the house and everyone gasped.

They saw the roses move out of his way, accepting him. He pushed open the door, the power level increasing ten fold, pushing people back.

He walked into the house, the door slamming shut and the roses moving back into place.

The hero looked around and his eyes widened when he found the source of the power. There sat a small girl, maybe about four years of age, smiling at the light and electricity coming from her small hands and body.

She giggled with her eyes wide. Her long white hair flowing around her and her electric sapphire blue eyes glowed. As she smiled, small but prominent fangs showed. She had long sharp ears and pale white skin.

Power exuded from her, unconstrained. It buzzed in and around her, charging the atmosphere with so much electricity the very air shocked you. It was like the sun imploding on a black hole. That's how much power was shooting out of the small little girl.

She didn't know what was going on except that there were pretty lights and she felt warm, energetic. Like she could run for hours up and down the grass hill. All the way to the weeping willow and down again. Like she could smile for hours on end and never stop. It was like a never-ending river of fast rapids and rocks. It was too much.

I-its incredible... For a child this age to hold this much power is unbelievable...

Then it became unstable, crackling and shooting uncontrollably. The hero looked at the girl and saw that she had noticed him. She looked scared at seeing another human being and was shaking. She backed up, the power increasing.

He thought of a way to calm her down. He didn't think that taking her quirk would help.

He gently leaned onto his knees and softened his expression. He slowly held out his hand, almost like he was dealing with a cat. Her head cocked to the side and her long, elf-like ears twitched. The power she had died down a little, only a little.

He gave her a small smile, gently trying to coax her to go to him, or calm down. He moved his hand towards her. He guessed he went too fast because she suddenly backed away. Her beautiful eyes started to water and her lip quivered.

He quickly tried to soothe her as her quirk sparked out wildly and broke one of the windows. The shattered glass rained down on her and the electricity shot out the window.

He quietly cursed and opened his eyes completely, activating his quirk as his black hair rose. The electricity and power immediately shut off, as if a switch had been flipped. The suddenness of the power being shut down made the air feel empty, cold.

The little girl looked around for the pretty lights and her sad expression deepened. The hero immediately tried to make her smile by lifting his hands and making a funny gesture. This caught her eye and she looked his way.

His hips jutted out and his hands were on them and he stuck out his tongue, he was still on his knees. She softly giggled, then crawled to him. She reached up and gently stroked his stubbly face, smiling brightly. He returned her smile and gently picked her up. He set her on his hip and started to walk out the house.

Hey everyone. This is a new story Im gonna be working on. Ive truly lost all hope with the  other one Ive written, "My Brothers Best Friend". If you like this then great if you dont keep looking. Feel free to comment, like, share,etc. I dont care.


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