christmas special. Akira's first christmas.

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Akira didn't know what christmas was.

Akira came into the house with aizawa. They had been out shopping.

"Hizashi! We're home!" Aizawa yelled, helping Akira out of her sweater and shoes.

"Oh hey! Wanna help me put up the Christmas decorations?" HIs voice came in the direction of the living room.

"Whads chwismas?" Akira's soft voice carried through the house.

At this, Yamada let out a squawk like a bird and there was a giant avalanche of noise followed by a crash and then the patter of feet running towards them. Yamada came sliding into view, his hair down and silver furry stuff wrapped around his neck, glasses askew. He looked absolutely shocked.

"Y-you don't know what christmas is?" His voice was shocked. It made Akira feel a little bad. HIs must have shone on her small face cuz next second Yamada was coming over and apologizing for the way he reacted while Aizawa glared at him for being so insensible.

"I'm sorry sweety. I was just a little surprised. Christmas is a holiday and my favorite." He then proceeded to explain the holiday the best he could to an almost 5 year old. Akira's blue eyes widened and sparkled the more he explained the holiday. When he got to the part about the ham and the cranberries, her small body let out sparks. That happens when she gets really excited. Aizawa just canceled it quickly and let it go.

"I can' wai for Chismas!" She squealed happily.

"Wanna help me with the decorations and tree?"


As the next few weeks went by, AKira got more and more excited fro the holiday she had never known about. The week of she constantly sparked.

4 days before christmas, AIzawa and Yamada took her to see santa at the plaza. She was so excited and bouncing up and down and letting off the occasional spark. People kept looking at her. They recognized her from the news. They knew she was the child who held so much power. But no one said anything, they all found it absolutely adorable how excited she was.

When it was her turn she went up to him and got on his lap hesitantly, suddenly very nervous.

"Ho Ho Ho! Merry christmas, little girl! What would you like for christmas."

She looked around, Yamada giving her a thumbs up and a smile had her turning back to santa.

"U-um, I wan oo sday with Aizawa and Yamada. I don wan oo leafe." She hesitantly picked at her fingers and looked at her lap as she said this.

Aizawa and Yamada looked shocked. Santa looked at them with a question in his face, Are you Aizawa and Yamada?

They nodded. The man looked at the girl.

"Well honey, ill see what I can do ok? Is there anything else you want?" His voice was very kind as he spoke.

She shook her head, her long ears flopping and lightly hitting her face. "No. They kind. I don wan oo leave."

Aizawa and Yamada felt their hearts clench at that. They didn't want her to leave either. They had a silent, quick conversation to talk about this later.

When they got back home, Akira was so tired. Immediately when they put her in her bed, she fell asleep. AIzawa and Yamada went downstairs to talk.

Christmas morning came extremely fast after that. Akira was woken up by both Yamada and Aizawa smiling happily at her and saying "Merry Christmas!"

They rushed downstairs in their pj's and went to the living room where the tree was set up.

With each gift opened she got happier. She loved everything. Especially the really soft blanket she got. Which she was currently snuggled in while waiting for Aizawa and Yamada to come back to the living room for christmas movies.

"Akira." She looked back to see them standing right there.

She sat up. "Can we wach now?"

"In a minute, Koji. We have something we need to talk to you about." They both walked over and bent down in front of her.

"So, me and Aizawa have been thinking, we would really like for you to stay with us." Her eyes lit up like a christmas tree.

"We talked to the hero agency and a special place that deal with this kind of stuff and we want to make you our daughter. If that's ok with you." Aizawa and Yamada looked so nervous.

Akiras mouth spread wide in a smile, showing off her little fangs. Her eyes were closed but tears were slipping free.

"Yes. Thad ok wit me!" AIzawa and Yamada hugged her close and they started crying as well. They just couldn't help it. They now have a daughter.

This was a christmas to remember.

𝑀𝑒𝓇𝓇𝓎 𝒞𝒽𝓇𝒾𝓈𝓉𝓂𝒶𝓈!

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