part 12

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Warning!!!!!! Recollection of abuse in nightmare form!!! It will be in Italics you can skip the nightmare.

His heavy fists slammed down on her body, bruising her skin and breaking her bones. She screamed for him to stop, that it hurt but he wasn't listening. He never does unless it's to enjoy her screams. His eyes glowed red and he grabbed her chains and sent bolts of electricity through them. Her body danced and shook, her mouth foamed and her eyes full of pain, terror, and tears. Why is he doing this? Why won't he just leave her alone? Why does he feel the need to make her life a living hell and hurt her? Just as she was about to pass out a loud noise sounded.

Akira woke up to her alarm clock blaring in her ears and pulling her from her nightmares. Her body was soaked in sweat and she felt icky. Her stomach was churning and fluttering wickedly, making her get up and go to the toilet to puke. She's had these nightmares since she escaped from Him. They've changed and varied over the years but it always had the same idea, He was beating her and causing her immense pain and fear, and she'd always wake up in a cold sweat and throw up. Sometimes Aizawa and Yamada were in it and every now and then Haha ōkami. When they were in the dreams was when it amped up and got worse. She would wake up screaming and crying and hyperventilating. She hated those ones the most.

Once she emptied her stomach, she got up and went to the sink to rinse her mouth before turning on the shower and started with her daily morning routine.

"Akira! Get down here for breakfast!" Papa yelled while setting food and juice on the table. He then turned around to get his husband's coffee and set it in front of him.

"Hey, koji, did you have a good night? Are you excited for your first day?" Dad asked, taking a sip from his coffee while looking up from his newspaper.

"Woah! Bag check on Akira's eyes!" Papa exclaimed when he caught sight of her face, deep purple bags under her eyes.

"Did you not have a good night hun?"

"No, not really. But I'll be fine, I promise. Don't worry about me."

"Honey, we're your parents. We're supposed to worry about you. Why didn't you sleep well? Bad dream again?" Dad had put down his coffee and newspaper and was now looking at her with his tired red eyes.

"Yeah, just a bad dream, but it's nothing to worry about. I promise, dad." He seemed to not believe her but let it go for now. He'll most likely bring it back up later. But as long as it's not right now it's fine.

Once breakfast was done they all got into the car and headed to U.A. for the first day of school.

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