Fuck You

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"Get the fuck up" Denny yells, jolting me awake. I found myself on the floor of our living room, Blake sprawled out on the couch next to me. We both wore our clothes from the night before, and my head was banging.

"What the hell?" Blake groans as the lights are flickered on.

"You two sure had a fun night." Nikos walks in and chuckles at the site. "What are you so pisses about?" He turns to Denny who looks like he could kill the two of us.

"These two idiots attacked a girl last night." Denny tells Nikos, making him turn to us, enraged. I had no idea what Denny was talking about, I was so drunk I can't remember a thing from the night before.

"Get up" His voice is stern and terrifying. Blake and I quickly scramble to our feet, ignoring our headaches because of the angry man in front of us. "That's ridiculous." Blake defends himself.

"What happened, don't leave any details out." Nikos asked Denny, who was looking at Blake and I with the same angry expression.

Denny explained how we dragged a girl named Xela into an alley and forced beer down her throat while she was kicking and screaming for help.

What the fuck.

I feel a fist connect with my jaw. Soon Blake had the same fate handed to him. "How many times have I told you to never lay your hands on a woman?!" Nikos screamed at us, even scaring Denny.

I wasn't mad that Nikos hit me, I knew I deserved it if what Denny said was true.

"You are both grounded, and will go and apologize to that poor girl."

I looked to Blake, who looked just as confused and irritated as I was. I saw scratch marks on Blake's neck, making my stomach twist. Nikos' eyes followed mine, when he spotted the scratches that were no doubt from the girl trying to escape, we each got another punch.

"I raised you better than this. I don't care if you were drunk, it's never okay." He spat at us.

All I did was nod, how could I have done that?

I never lose that much control when I drink. The remembrance of why I drank so much hit me all at once. Yesterday was another anniversary of my fathers death, I just tried to make myself forget about everything. I didn't want to remember how my father was murdered on a business trip, even though he wasn't the best man, I had needed him. I was his boy, he was always so proud of me, and I always tried to make him proud.

Nobody knows who killed him, just that it happened at a poor town around thirty minutes away. Afterwards, Blake and I found ourselves alone on the streets until Nikos picked us up and took us in. I've never known why he would want two twelve year old boys, but I'm grateful he did. Denny is his own son from one of his old marriages, we have all grown up like brothers. Even though Denny is two years younger than us and is a sophomore, we all get along well and love each other.

"Maybe she doesn't want to talk to them," Denny said, which makes sense. Nikos crosses his arms, "Don't approach her, just if you see her make sure she knows that is not like you and will never happen again."

Nikos runs his fingers through his blonde-white hair and squeezes his temple. "I can't believe you two." He mumbles on his way out.

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