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"Have you seriously never had a crepe?!" Annie dramatically gasps in disbelief. I shake my head at the distraught girl in front of me. All of the sudden Annie calls our waitress over, "Can we have a stack of strawberry crepes?" She smiles at the woman who looks our age, her face looking annoyed.

"I'm allergic to strawberries" I tell Annie, not looking forward to the swelling and hives I am sure to get if I eat any strawberry. Annie gives me a scowl, "Who is allergic to strawberries?!" She says with a joking tone. At the same time, a bell goes off indicating someone entered the cafe. My head instinctively turns to find Ryder with a confused look on his face as he looks at a piece of paper in his hands.

His eyes meet mine for a split second before I turn back to Annie, "Let's get chocolate, then." She smiles at me, not realizing my slight distraction. "Sounds good." I say, the corner of my eye catching Ryder passing by to the front, as he passes, he plucks a single banana slice from my plate, eating it without even looking my way.

The waitress gives me a bitchy look before leaving and going to the counter, twirling her hair as she takes Ryder's order.

Annie looks at me in shock, mouthing 'What the hell' to me.

I roll my eyes, 'He wants attention' I mouth back, making Annie laugh. Within a few minutes, we are served a plate of brown crepes, smelling delicious. Ryder was handed a box of muffins before leaving, not looking in my direction once, like he didn't take food off my plate.

"What an asshole." I grumble once he leaves. "That was hot." Annie says, popping a chocolate chip that had been on the crepe into her mouth. I roll my eyes, "Arrogance is not hot." I say, maybe too harshly.

"I'm starting to think you're a lesbian."

"Yeah yeah" I say, cutting into the crepe and trying it. "So....." Annie trails off, looking to me for my thoughts. I didn't think it was amazing, if anything it was far too sweet for my liking, but since she loves it so much I had to tell a little white lie. "I love it!" I exclaim, taking another bite. It wouldn't matter if I liked it or not, I would finish it regardless.

That's what constant days without food does to you, or maybe it's just watching eight year old Penny starve night after night.

"I hate this road." Annie grumbles as she flies through a stop sign. I laugh, loving how the wind is whipping my hair around. Annie drives a bright red convertible, I know, cliche. Annie cranks the radio up as we make a turn around a hill, driving next to a cliff overlooking the ocean.

"The story starts when it was hot and it was summer and, I had it all I had him right there where I wanted him!" Annie starts to belt out, her voice surprisingly good.

Annie continued to scream the lyrics to the song I have never heard before as we sped along the cliff. "Have you never heard this?" She pauses to yell, but I can barely hear her words over the noise of the wind and the engine. I shake my head, making her mouth drop open.

"This is Taylor fucking Swift!" She screams at me, her words barely audible. I just shrug and turn my attention back to the ocean, watching the waves. "Every day on the drive to school we are learning a new Taylor song." Annie tells me when we pull up to my house. I'm sure my hair is all over the place when we come to a complete stop. I move hair from my face and turn to Annie, "Deal"

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