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"You're an asshole."

I roll my eyes at Denny, who won't stop badgering me for shit. "What did he do now?" Nikos questions, sipping a beer and sitting on the couch.  I give Denny a glare telling him to keep his mouth shut, but Denny seems to care about this girl so of course he doesn't listen to me.

"He let some bitch nearly kill Xela!"

"Xela..." Nikos trails off, trying to remember where he heard that name from. "The girl he also nearly killed in an alleyway." Denny finishes for him.

Nikos' eyes go wide, "That was a Xela?" He says, not even concerned with what Denny had said.

"Yeah why?" I question, looking to Denny who looks just as confused. Nikos shakes his head, "Never mind the name is just familiar." He says, "What is this about nearly killing her?"

"If you ask me, she has neared death so many times" Blake walks into the living room. He must see our questioning glares because he starts to talk again, "I found her beat up and walking half naked on the side of the road the other day." He says like it is casual.

"What?" Denny says, shock clear in his voice.

Blake shrugs, "I drove her home but she didn't want to explain anything so I didn't make her.

"It was the night of the party, she was still in her dress and everything. But she was barefoot and her dress was all ripped and it was around noon the next day."

"Why wouldn't you say anything?!" Denny says, which is exactly what I was wondering. Something is wrong with Xela, maybe it is just the way her own mom grabbed her so harshly in the halls, or her always wearing clothes that look far too old.

I keep telling myself it is none of my business, I mean when my dad was killed I didn't want to talk to anyone, not even Blake. When Nikos took us in it took a while for Blake or I to actually get close with Denny and Nikos.

"I didn't think you would care" Blake says, looking to me, "And you would flip out" he looks to Denny at the last part. "Plus she seemed fine at school this morning so I figured she just had a wild night or something."

Nikos sets down his glass, leaning back against the chair, "You boys love drama don't you" he says.

I roll my eyes, ignoring him. "Today her mom picked her up from school but something was off." I tell my brothers, "She was obviously high, and looked pissed for some reason."

"You don't even like Xela, why do you care?" Denny says, his voice sharp. I forget he is still mad at me for earlier. "Not liking someone doesn't mean I will watch them be abused." I say, making Denny zip his mouth shut.

I don't know what's happening in this girls life, but my mom was very similar to how hers looked today. Her hair was greasy and sloppily cut, her eyes red and her body so skinny it was obviously unhealthy. My mom was abusive for a few years until she was thrown into jail right before my dad was killed, and I know how awful it is. At least I had my dad who would stand up for me occasionally, but other than that I could never hurt my mom so what option did I have but to take it.

"You're making big assumptions, Ryder." Nikos tells me, his voice serious. I don't know much about his past, but neither does Denny and Denny is his blood related son. I'm grateful for everything Nikos has done for Blake and I, but I wish he would open up to us.

"I'm saying what I saw, and what I saw looked just like my mom." I state, leaning back into my chair.

Blake sucks in a breath at the mention of our mom. Blake has a different father, but he still grew up in the same house as me. The same awful place, the same awful memories.


"What is wrong with you?" Xela snaps at me, under her breath since the teacher is giving a lesson. "Or do you always stare at me with that stupid look on your face."

I raise my eyebrows at her, "You seem like you're in a bad mood today." I tell her, my eyes looking all over her face for anything, but she keeps her face straight, not giving away any emotion or thought.

I think to when I saw her in the alleyway that night, out of breath and with a bag of drugs. Now I think I was wrong about her, I think she had been getting them for her mom, and that pissed me off. What kind of mom would send their underage daughter to get drugs in the middle of the night? Certainly not a loving and caring one.

I need to stop caring, to just ignore her because whatever shit she is going through is none of my business.

I swear I was going to back off until I saw her wince when she leaned back in her chair.

Her eyes narrowed at me when she probably saw my change in posture just now, her arm reaching and stretching, she is trying to play it off like nothing happened. Normally she wears a tank top and shorts, but today she wears a long black sweatshirt with black leggings.

"What's wrong?" I say, trying my best to keep my words sounding careless. The last thing I need is for her to think I care about her, which I don't. The only reason I am slightly interested in her life is because she is hot and I pity her for whatever shit she is going through.

"Why do you think something is wrong?" She says, sitting forward and leaning into her hands.

I shake my head, deciding to just let it go. "Is your conversation more important than my teaching?" Ms. Carter questions, her hands on her hips and a pissed look on her face.

Xela and I make eye contact for a second before Ms. Carter starts ranting about how she was explaining a group project. "But since you two are such good friends, you will work together instead of in a group." She finishes.

"There is way too much work for two people" Xela protests, but Ms Carter doesn't look like she will change her mind.

"Then I suggest you start today." She smiles annoyingly and turns away, continuing to explain the project. The whole thing includes a slideshow, a sculpture, and a poster. I don't even come to class half the time.

Once the bell rings Xela is the first up and out of the classroom. I quickly sling my backpack over my shoulder and follow after her until I'm in step next to her. "What time should I come over?" I ask, but she ignores my question and opens her locker, unloading books into it.

"I will just get your address from Blake and show up unexpected then." I say, which finally gets her attention. "Blake—

"Told me about your little half naked adventure through the streets?" I say, a slight bit of amusement in my voice. I wanted to know what happened that night, and I know it would piss me off if anyone hurt her, but seeing her get mad at me is so cute I just have to rub in knowing stuff about her.

"My house won't work." She says, turning back to her locker and shutting it before facing me again.

"Well my dad is throwing a party tonight, so it's gonna have to be your house." I argue. My dad isn't throwing a party, but I have a feeling going to her house will explain lots about her. I know I'm being nosy but the way her own mom had looked at her yesterday disgusted me, and I needed to make sure I was wrong about it.

She opened her mouth to counter me, but I cut her off, "I'll be over at 6" before walking away.

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