What the hell

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I don't know what I'm going to do. I know for a fact Ryder can not come to my house tonight for several reasons which include my psycho mom and step dad, and my absolutely trashed bedroom without a door.

On top of that, Blake is going around telling people about when he picked me up the other day, which is shit I don't even want to think about right now. Everyone at school already thinks I'm on drugs because of Ryder so nicely spreading rumors about me, but now everyone will think I'm some kind of prostitute.

After debating what to do the rest of the day, I decide that if I get out of the school and to my house fast enough, I can just lock Ryder out. I doubt Blake will even remember where I live anyway.

So the second the bell rings after eighth period, I quickly grab my bag and make a beeline for the large double doors at the end of the hallway.

"Going somewhere?" A deep familiar voice says once I get through the doors. Suddenly Ryder is at my side, "If I didn't know any better I would think you were trying to leave me here."

I cross my arms and just keep walking, hoping he will just leave. "Are we walking to your car?" He asks, sounding genuine but for some reason I take it sarcastically and feel like he is making fun of me for something. "Look I'm not going to sniff your panty drawer or anything, we will literally just sit in your living room and work." He says, sounding annoyed at my silence. I try to come up with an argument, or just any excuse to tell him he is not welcome at my house, but I can't without saying stuff I don't need him to know.

"Just an hour." Is all I say, because I bet my mom is gone somewhere. They either spend the day in their room or doing God knows what, all I can do is hope they aren't home for this hour.

"She talks!" He says enthusiastically, making me roll my eyes. "It's like a twenty minute walk." I tell him, dismissing his happiness over me letting him come to my house.

He stops walking, "Hell no, my car is parked over here I'll drive us." He says, grabbing my arm not harshly but abruptly enough to make me gasp slightly. He laughs at my reaction and tugs on my arm towards the parking lot. "Why are you wearing a damn hoodie it's so hot out" he comments as we each a grey car I'm assuming is his. I just shrug as he opens the door on the passenger side, holding it open for me. I narrow my eyebrows at this gesture, "thanks..." I mumble, climbing into the fancy ass car.

"You giving me directions?" Ryder says as he turns the key, lighting up the ignition. I just nod, stretching my seatbelt over my body as delicately as I can without looking odd. My back started to scab today, which is in my opinion the worst part of getting beaten. Well, besides the actual getting beaten part.

The ride is silent besides me giving directions, until we finally pull up to the side of the road next to my terrible 'home'.

Ryder makes no comments as we walk up the steps to the front door of the old house, although I'm sure lots of things are flowing through his mind right now. The area I live in is not the best to say the least, the house is located just a few blocks away from several bars and clubs, but the whole area is sketchy.

"It's not that hard." Ryder says in a melancholy tone, making me realize I can't get the key in right to unlock the door. I stop and glare at him for a hot second then try to steady my hands that keep shaking.

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