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Stepping into my house, I just prayed it was late enough for them to be asleep. I prayed the whole drive home, up until now where I'm seconds away from being fully inside my house.

I was met with a familiar pitch black room.

A gunshot suddenly rang out, making me grasp my unprotected ears and hit the floor, expecting more. "Get your ass up." A female voice I recognize as my mothers snaps. The lights flicker on and I see Paul laughing with a gun in his hand. "Damn she is scared of this thing!" He says, tucking the gun back in his waistband. I didn't allow my mind to wander off into places I forced myself to leave behind. No matter how hard they tried to bring it back up.

I don't want to know where he got the gun, but knowing he has it makes things so much worse.

Both of their amusement disappears when they observe me closer, my tiny dress and heels.

"And where the fuck were you at three AM dressed like that?" Paul questions, stepping closer. He is practically dripping with anger, his hand reaches up making me flinch. Instead of a hit, I feel his fingers trace something on my neck, when I realize Eli must have left a mark.

He lets out a fake laugh, a long, monotone, terrifying one. "Poor girl" he says, "You understand you're being used for your body? But I bet that's what you want, right slut?"

"Fuck off" I say, his words hitting a weak spot for me. I swat his hand away from me. He grips my arms harshly, pinning me to the door. "Go to your room." He tells my mother, who just abides brainlessly.

"I'll teach you what happens to sluts" he smiles sadistically, his hands releasing me for just a second and gripping onto my dress. I grab the keys I had in my hand and gripped them in a way I hoped would work. He ripped my dress, but I stabbed him in the eye. The second he stumbled backwards is when I swung the door open and sprinted until I could barely breath. I ditched my heels about a mile back, my ankles were killing me.

I walked aimlessly, getting colder every step, until I collapsed in a park I've never seen before. I refused to let myself cry, Paul didn't deserve my tears. Nobody did.

The sound of the gunshot pounded in my head, my mind not allowing me to forget. I don't blame myself for what had happened so long ago, I know I did what I had to do, even at such a young age. That doesn't stop the only person who knew what happened from leaving, but even they didn't know the full truth.

But still, the loud noise stays fresh in my mind and in my nightmares, never letting me forget about the man I had killed.

The night was spent with me drifting in and out of a light sleep until the sun slowly started to rise. It was a cold night for sure, but it was one spent without the fear of Paul getting to me in my sleep. The park was eerily quiet, no noise but the occasional faint chirps of birds.

It was peaceful, laying under the stars all night and just being alone. Of course if my mind could calm down it would be better, but I'm trying to be positive. Looking at the barely lit sky, I flex my face slightly and feel the tension and soreness from Paul. That's sure to leave a bruise.

It is probably around seven by the time I get to my feet and take in my actual surroundings. I have no idea where I am. Not to mention I'm in a scrap of a dress with lace underwear on from when Aliza and I shoplifted from Victoria's Secret. I almost laughed at the memory, how scared I was of being caught and how Aliza explained she had done it dozens of times. I guess neither of us had anything to lose, although Aliza did have Penny, I had nothing.

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