Alone in the rain

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At around 8:15 I started to get ready. My eye had stopped swelling but was a brutal purple color, so I had to douse it in makeup. I slipped into loose ripped jeans and a black hoodie before putting on the same pair of tennis shoes I've had for years.

Today's weather is extremely humid so my hair is curlier than normal, but I just decided to brush it out and leave it down. Finally, I took a 20 from under the loose floorboard just in case I wanted anything to eat or drink.

By the time I was on the side of the road walking to the shop, it was already 8:50, giving me just ten minutes for a fifteen minute walk. I had stopped by the place earlier just to make sure I knew where it was.

The sun was long gone, but even in the dark I could see the deep grey clouds forming. As raindrops started to fall I pulled up my hoodie to cover myself. Once I got to the shop it was raining pretty hard, leaving me all wet. I'm surprised such a small coffee shop is open this late, and busy too. There are hardly any seats available.

Hopefully Ryder isn't upset I am a few minutes late. I looked to the tiny clock hanging at the side of the cafe and read 9:05. My eyes scanned the place just to see Ryder isn't here. "May I help you?" An employee greets me from behind the counter. I walk forward to her, "I'm just waiting for someone" I smile to her, "Can I get a hot chocolate?" I ask, figuring Ryder is just running late, "And a black coffee" I add, knowing that is what Ryder brought to lunch today.

After I get my drink, I take a seat towards the back of the cafe at an empty booth. I also decided I will surprise him by having all of my stuff ready, so I lay out our notes and a big bucket of clay on the table. Once I'm satisfied with that, I check the clock again to see 9:25 clicking around to 9:26.  I look to his coffee I got him and to my nearly empty hot chocolate. I've never been in this situation before, how long am I supposed to wait for him? Like half an hour or just leave now? 

Customers continue coming and leaving until the place is mostly empty and the clock is ticked to 10:15. I don't know why I'm just sitting here and waiting for him, I know it's pathetic, but I keep telling myself sitting here is better than whatever is waiting for me at home. I figure I'll just leave at 10:30 since the shop closes at eleven.

I unfold the piece of paper Ryder had given me earlier and look at the address just to make sure I'm at the right place. I am.

"Ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to leave" a soft female voice nudges me. I look up to see the employee who gave me my drinks earlier. I blink a few times, "What?" I say, turning to the clock again because I swear it was just 10:15. To my dismay, it is 11:05. I fell asleep

"I'm so sorry" I say, quickly putting everything back into my bag and zipping it up. I pick up the two drinks, one empty and one cold and untouched. "You're fine" the worked smiles to me, "Have a good night" she says on my way out. I toss the two drinks into the trash and push through the glass doors only to find myself standing in the pouring rain.

I quickly pull my hood up and stare at the ground as I walk, making sure I don't step in any huge puddles. Disappointment hits me as I start to think of how Ryder stood me up, intentionally or unintentionally doesn't matter.

I'm walking along the side of the road, the headlights of cars passing almost blinds me every few seconds. I don't look up until I notice a car stopped beside me.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Ryder says, his breathing fast. His window is rolled down, the rain getting his car soaked on the inside. I turn to him and put my hand on my hood so it stays up, "What do you mean what am I doing?!" I snap at him. I didn't realize how angry I was until right now.

"Get in" he demands, I can hear the sound of him unlocking the doors. I shake my head and continue walking, ignoring my soaking wet feet and socks.

The car trails behind me slowly, "Please Xela, get in the car." His voice is soft now and I curse myself for being so weak. I turn and open the door, climbing into the seat soaking wet. He doesn't say a word as I buckle myself in, he just rolls the window up and drives.

"Why are you walking alone through the streets at nearly midnight?!" He finally says, sounding quite angry for being the one who stood me up.

"Yeah because it's not like I waited for you for two hours in the stupid coffee shop you told me to meet you at!"

There is silence for a few seconds, his knuckles are white from his grip on the steering wheel. "I got hung up at work." He says, "You should be smarter then to be walking around alone at this time."

"I can handle myself," I retort, not knowing how to argue with him for being late. I don't know what he does for work, but if he got hung up there it's not like I can be mad at him for not letting me know, how would he let me know I don't have a phone.

"You don't understand " He says, getting angrier every second. We stop in front of my house but I'm not getting out yet, "Understand what" I nearly yell at him, "There are dangerous people that you won't win fights with, people who prey on girls like you walking around alone!"

"Why do you even care?!"

All of the sudden silence washes over the car before I feel him grip my face and pull me into him. His lips connect with mine and swallow me whole. I tangle my hands in his black hair and feel my hood pulled down as he deepens the kiss. Every thought from our argument disappeared and all I could think about was this moment, his lips on mine and us together.

After a few minutes he pulls away lightly, looking at me with so much intensity. Suddenly his gaze changes from one filled with lust and desire to anger. He cups my face in his hands again, but not for a kiss, this time his eyes are fixed on something. I feel his thumb brush under my left eye, "What the fuck is this?" He asks angrily, reaching up and clicking on the car lights before observing me again.

My eye.

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