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I woke up with a raging headache. I was still in my outfit from last night, but my sleeve was rolled up and a fresh bandage was wrapped around my forearm.

I sat up, remembering nothing after I left Ryder, dad, Denny, and Blake and went to drink on my own.

I've never gotten crazy drunk before, I guess you could say last night I just decided what the hell.

I realized that I forgot to take my medicine, and told myself I would just take it tonight. Not that I need it, anyway. "Look who's finally up" Dad walks in with a tray of food, making my mouth water.

I was starving.

He placed the food on my lap, "Fun night?"

I look at the pancakes with bacon in front of me, "I'm never drinking again" I mumble, digging into the food. He laughs, "That's what they all say."

"Denny, Blake, and I are going to Pennsylvania for the weekend, we should leave in like thirty minutes. One of our men betrayed us and is camping out there." He tells me.

"Are you going to kill him?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"We don't really have a choice."

I took another bit of the pancakes, "So Ryder and I will be here all weekend?" I realize. Dad nods, "Don't worry I already gave him the whole 'stay away from my daughter or I kill you' talk."

"Trust me, he wouldn't try anything with me. He hates me"

Dad sighs, "He never hated you, Xela." He paused, "He just didn't know how to cope with the death of his father, and took it out on you."

"Can you blame him? He doesn't know why I killed him. As far as he knows—

"He does know why." Dad interrupted, surprising me. "What?" I choked on my pancake.

"Apparently you let it slip while you were wasted last night."

I leaned my head back and hit it against the headboard, how could I have done that?

"So you know?" I ask, scared for his answer. He shakes his head, "I don't need to, I trust that you wouldn't have been violent unless someone deserved it."

Dads phone rang, nearly cutting him off. He listens for a second then hangs up, "We are taking off now, can I have a hug goodbye?" He tucks his phone into his pocket. I smile at him and push the tray of food off my lap, standing up and giving him a long hug. "We should be back Monday afternoon" he says, waving goodbye and leaving.

It was already 11 in the morning, and I had the whole day free. I checked my phone and saw a text from Elise two hours ago asking if I wanted to go to a carnival with her. I immediately told her I would love to, and she told me she would be over at noon.

I got dressed into black jean shorts and a light blue crop top with a knot at the front, then stared at myself in the mirror for a solid twenty minutes.

I was trying to decide if the bandage on my left arm looked really odd, or just odd. I ended up leaving it, making up several excuses in my head for if Elsie asks.

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