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"Would you look at that." Xela says, "I'm all bandaged and healed and you didn't have to pee on me" she says sarcastically.

"Yeah but I had to bring you to the damn hospital" I tell her. I hate hospitals.

Technically I didn't have to bring her here, but the gang's doctor is asleep right now and I want to make sure her sting is being treated to.

A knock sounds on the door before it's opened, a tall brunette nurse walking in. "Is the pain down a little?" She asks Xela, who nods. Her calf has a bandage around it, and she was prescribed some weird cream but other than that she is fine.

"Can we leave?" I ask, trying not to sound rude.

The nurse nods and hands Xela a small ziplock baggie with two cream tubes inside. "Just apply this before bed every night until the swelling goes down."

Xela takes the bag and stands up, her face not even flinching when she puts her weight on the injured leg.

"Have a good night you two" the nurse says before leaving.

I scoop Xela up so I am carrying her, "What the heck!" She protests, but I don't let her go. "No way you're walking" I don't care if I sounded drastic, I know she probably can walk and be absolutely fine, but I don't want her to. I can tell she is in pain, even if she tries so desperately to hide it.

"You're ridiculous" she mumbled, making me laugh. I feel her lay her head back, her hair cascading down nearly touching the ground.

"How was it!" Mia squeals when I walk into the warehouse. I nearly smile at the thought of my date with Xela, but conceal it. "That's none of your business." I say coldly.

Mia goes crazy, "It was that good?!"

When I don't respond, she just keeps talking, "Where is she? Is she here? I need to get her side of this."

Music was blaring all around us as we sat at the bar of a club.

I roll my eyes, "She's asleep" is all I say. After I took her home, I had to come here to finish up some work from the past week. After work, everyone was going to hit up some clubs. I didn't really feel like going out, but Denny was going and I had to come to keep an eye on him. He may be tough, but he is still just 16 years old.

My eye hasn't left him the whole night, everyone knows he is my brother, which is a blessing and a curse. They know not to mess with him, or they know that messing with him will hurt me.

I don't really have to worry about Blake, he is a big guy. Denny isn't necessarily small either, but he wouldn't beat a big dude in a fight.

"Come dance with me!" A drunk Eva stumbles over to where I'm seated at the bar. She wears a low cut sequenced dress that has a slit practically showcasing her underwear.

"I'm good" I say, trying to brush her off. Mia looks like she is about to burst out laughing. "I think Angelina is calling me" she says, obviously making it up to escape the situation with Eva and I.

I glare at her as she gets up and leaves me alone with this psycho woman.

"Why don't you want to dance with me?" She makes a pouty face, leaning over so that her top exposes her breasts. I keep my eyes on her face,  "You're wasted" is all I say.

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