Too drunk

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I woke up in a hospital bed, and immediately panicked until I realized I wasn't restrained at all. I was free to get up and move, nobody else was in the room.

After a few minutes of just sitting there, confused as to what had happened, Weston walked in the room, Elsie was with him.

Elsie ran over to me and hugged me, saying how worried she was. Weston looked at me, apologetically, "She really wanted to come"

I was so confused, what the hell happened?!

A nurse walked in the room, greeting me with a small smile. "Hello, dear, I'm Doctor Laura, I'm glad to see you're doing ok"

Ok? I don't even know why I'm here, how would I be ok?!

"What is going on?" I said, sitting up in the hospital bed.

Elsie was sitting in a chair next to me, and Weston was standing behind her. Do they know what happened?

"You were found last night, in an alley just a block away from your office building" she says, softly.

Everything rushed back to me.

The way I crumpled to the ground, sobbing as Jay yelled at me about how I betrayed him, screaming endless insults and threats until I couldn't remember anything else.

"H-he was there" I mumbled, starting to panic.

Elsie put her hand on mine, "He wasn't" the nurse tells me.

I straighten, "Yes he was!" I raise my voice, trying to control my breathing. I was embarrassed to be freaking out in front of Weston and Elsie, but I was grateful they were here so I wasn't alone.

"I saw him, he was there" I correct the nurse.

She pulls out a piece of paper, and hand it to me. I don't understand anything on it, it's all nonsense and numbers.

She sighs, "Your stress levels have been off the charts recently, which is what we assume have caused this episode of schizophrenia."

I shook my head, "That's not what it was!" I almost scream, "He was there! He was fucking there, I saw him!"

The nurse stayed calm, "You're ex boyfriend was across town all night, we have proof he was at an inn and never left"

She paused, "We don't see a need to hold you here, or send you anywhere, since this is your first episode, however you will be prescribed medicine to take each night.

She reached into her scrub pocket and pulled out a orange container, filled with pills. I shook my head, "No".

She raised an eyebrow at me, "Miss Smith, you can take these pills or we might have to send you to the mental hospital"

"Give me the pills" I said, the second the words mental hospital came out of her mouth. 

I was never going to go back there.

"Mr. Black, she does need supervision until her prescription ends in two weeks, and I assume since you're on her emergency contact list that would be you?"

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