You know her???

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"Can you calm down? I can't understand what you are saying."  I sighed into my phone, hoping whatever was wrong isn't too bad.

"I just need you to pick me up" I hear a voice I grew up with pleading me. "Where are you?" I ask.

She hesitates for a moment, like she is trying to figure out where she is. "On fifth near where Lukas sells." She says quietly.

I hang up, not wanting to get mad at her for being in such a dangerous part of town. It isn't too far from where Xela lives. As I climb into my car, I can't help but think about whether or not Xela is okay. No doubt she wouldn't tell me if she wasn't.

When I pull up fifteen minutes later, I see Mia and Xela next to each other on a bench outside a phone booth. Mia wears one of my shirts, the one I had given to Xela, and her short brown hair is all knotted and messy. Xela is just in a bra and shorts, the bruises on her body are clear and make me want to kill her step father.

I roll down the window, not missing the shock on her face when she sees me.

Mia walks over and gets into the back seat, but Xela doesn't move. "Get in" I tell her. She hesitantly walks over to the car and slides into the back seat next to Mia.

I stay silent as I roll the window up and start driving. From the mirror, I can see Xela looking at me, confused.

I don't know what happened, but I sure as hell will find out.

I decided to drive Mia to one of our warehouses, and ask her about what happened tomorrow. It was late and I can tell they're both tired. "Thank you Boss." Mia says. Xela gets out of the car behind Mia. "Where do you think you're going?" I question her, catching Mia off guard.

Xela is about to speak when Mia cuts her off, "She can be trusted. I will explain in the morning, but I really don't have the energy to right now."

I roll my eyes at Mia, "She is staying with me." I tell Mia, knowing she knows better than to question me. The warehouse is empty except for about five men finishing orders, but either way, there is no chance I'm leaving her here.

She glares at me as she gets into the car, this time the passenger seat. Mia is the one who looks confused now. Xela waves goodbye as I start to drive away.

We are silent as I drive home. Thankfully, she doesn't argue when I get out of the car, she just follows me into the house. "Do you want to tell me what happened?" I ask, trying my best to not sound pushy. She shakes her head no.

I toss my shirt over my head, handing it to her. She is just in shorts and a bra.

"How do you know Mia?" She asks after a few seconds of silence. Shit. I couldn't explain how I knew Mia without telling Xela everything. I can't imagine what she would think of me if she knew what I really did, who I really was.

"An old friend." Is all I say, hoping she doesn't question it. Luckily she doesn't, she just nods. "Do you want anything to eat?" I ask. She shakes her head, but I can tell she is hungry. "What are you doing?" She questions me when I leave and walk to the kitchen. I can hear her light footsteps behind me as I walk. "Making ramen." I respond, opening a packet of ramen and sticking it in the microwave. "I'm not hung—

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