Meeting the crew

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I look up, allowing the hot water to submerse my face. I bet taking thirty minute showers has to be bad for your skin.


It's been two weeks since I first found out Nikos is my dad.

My dad.

Damn that still feels weird to think.

I've been trying to avoid him as much as possible, not only because of my anger towards him, but also my guilt for lying to Ryder. It's weird to be around Denny as well, seeing as he is my brother, and I can't tell him.

When I'm with Ryder, though, I push all of those thoughts away. I know it's selfish and the truth always comes out eventually, but for now everything is good. We have been spending nearly every second together, besides his gang work. I've asked to help him, or even to just come with him to work one day, but every time he harshly tells me no.

I turn the water off, immediately missing the warmth of the steaming water. I throw on a big t shirt Ryder bought me when we went thrifting last week, and sweatpants. Ryder thinks thrifting is stupid, of course he would though since he has a gazillion dollars.

The shirt is black-gray tie dye and has a big yellow smiley face on the front, and it was only $4!

When Ryder wasn't looking I bought him a grinch t shirt that I can give him for Christmas since that is next month. It's amazing how much my life has changed in the past two months. Although I've barely known Ryder, I feel so close to him. It's amazing how the mean, selfish boy I met when I moved here has proved to be a sweet and kind one.

I braid my wet hair into a low ponytail, opening my door to be surprised with Ryder sitting on my bed. "What do you think you're doing?" I ask him, walking over and standing in front of him. "Change" he says, his dark eyes bearing into mine. I give him a confused look, "Excuse me?"

He rolls his eyes, pulling me down so I am sitting on his lap. I'm sure my face is bright red when his hands wrap tightly around my waist, my legs on either side of his torso. "I'm taking you to my warehouse"

I can't hide my shock, "Really?!" I try to jump up and down with joy but his hands hold me in place. "What's wrong with my outfit?" I argue, he looks at me up and down. "Meet me downstairs in ten" he says, not answering my question. I roll my eyes and stand up, allowing him to get up and leave.

I am suspicious as to why Ryder is suddenly letting me come to his work, but that suspicion is overruled by excitement.

I look at my closet, unsure of what is the right apparel to wear to this. I end up wearing loose black ripped jeans and a deep green silk crop top that is loose at the top, creating folds. Then I take out my wet hair and run my fingers through it, desperately trying to dry it. I quickly braid back half of my hair into a half up half down look, which fit the outfit well despite my hair being damp.

I rush downstairs, knowing that Ryder hates when I'm late. Let's just say I don't want to do anything to make him change his mind.

His eyes widen when he sees me, "Why so fancy?"

I glare at him, "Yeah because I know what to wear to some illegal gang hideout."

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