Chapter 9

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Once I left the bus, I quickly unfroze time and hailed a taxi.

"Taxi! Taxi! Taxi!," I screamed like a maniac. Unfortunately, none of the taxis nearby wanted to pick me up especially with a hood on my face. I sighed and chanted, " Stêthi 'Ô hárma diabolês, Stop! Chariot of Damnation." I threw a golden drachma in the ground and the gold coin sank beneath Gaea. I shuddered at the thought of Gaea. "After this I quest I have to find the rest of the seven, I can't find Jason as he still has his training or Hazel as she is still dead. I'll find Piper, Leo, Frank and Reyna in the next quest," I thought while waiting for the chariot of damnation to arrive. Interrupting my thoughts, a yellow taxi with 3 old hags in it, not the fates. I sat on the cracked and lumpy chair not bothering with the black chain for the replacement for seatbelts.

"Where to!" Tempest asked with her a single tooth that seem close to falling out.

"The lotus casino," I replied coolly.

At once the taxi shot off like a bullet with the screaming of anger, wasp, and tempest fighting for the eye. I held on to dear life before finally reaching at my destination. I got out of the car with shaky legs and went inside the casino. I steeled my nerves and made sure not to be tempted by anything. In the casino, I took a quick look trying to see if I could find Grover, Thalia, Bianca, and Nico. Not finding a familiar face, i walked towards the closest employee and uncapped riptide and pointed the sword straight into the employees heart. I snarled, " Where do the Di Angelo's live now! Tell me now!." The employee gulped in fear and quickly replied, " Floor 2 room 394." I released the employee and called riptide not before being awesome and pickpocketing a lotus casino card from a random victim of the hotel. I hurriedly entered the lift and pressed the number for floor 2 and tapped the lotus casino card for access to the floor. I slipped the card in my backpocket as it might be useful in future due to it having unlimited mortal money. I impatiently tapped my foot and whistled to a random tune waiting fir the elevator's ring. After what seem to be ages, I hear a DING, I stepped out of the lift and sprinted down hallways looking for the right room. "392, 393, 394! Found it!" I said while counting the room numbers. I hesitantly knocked on the door, not sure what to do. The room door opened and revealed Bianca. Without thinking, I blinked and waved my hand awkwardly, "Hi."

"Hi," Bianca responded nervously as she saw my hooded face that seem to scare her. Suddenly my instincts took over me and I quickly froze time and pulled out two pieces of candy each for the Di Angelo siblings. I walked into the room revealing Nico sitting on a sofa chair shuffling his mythomagic cards. Force feeding a piece of candy to the Di Angelo siblings, i unfroze time and at once Nico's hand went to his skull ring/ Stygian iron sword and Bianca reached for her back possibly to find an arrow only to find air. I took of my hood and in a flash I was being hugged by them. Before they could say a single word the door burst opened revealing a certain blonde hair, stormy grey eyes girl.

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