Chapter 24

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Anyways on PJOhno  the joint acc between me and Yeeticantbebothered . The updates are a bit slower as we both have our own stories and Yeeticantbebothered  isn't feeling too well. He's on a break,. Therefore I will try to update as much as possible between this and @PJOHno along with school.

My schedule

Wednesday or Thursday I will update this book
Saturday or Sunday I will update PJOhno .
If I am free I will update the one shots

On with the story....

Hephaestus nodded his head and picked up the brief case which was holding the trident, "Yours to keep."

I shook Hephaestus hand firmly, "Nice to do business with you."

I walked towards the exit of Hephaestus home, about to leave when something intrigued me. "Hephaestus, why am I a 50 percent God and 50 Percent primordial?"

Hephaestus gasped as his eyes widened, he rushed towards me,  grabbing my hand roughly pushing me down to a chair, "Stay still don't move!"

Hephaestus reached for a long metal tray with multiple instruments on it. He grabbed a small tube, hooking it up to a small vial.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I sat down on the chair confused.

"I'm trying to save you!" Hephaestus reached for a small needle from the cold, dirty,wet ground. He attached the needle to the start of the tube and injected it into the skin and flesh of my chest.

At once, a red liquid flowed out, that look quite similar to blood only a bit darker.

"That's unsanitary and what's that?"

"This is your mortal essence," Hephaestus answered as he calmed down slowly.

"Cool, Anyways, How am I dying?" Percy asked awkwardly, weirded out.

"Stupid Zeus! Originally, we prepared for you to be blessed by 1 primordial not 2. With two primordial blessings in a demigod, it slowly destroys any remaining essence lower than a primordial. I'm gonna tie Zeus to his throne!" Hephaestus shouted at the sky.

"So, I'm dying," My heart roared in my chest, I crossed my finger win hope of Hephaestus saying no that he saved me.

"How much of Chronos and Ananke powers did you use?" Hephaestus frowned.

I shifted nervously in the black leather chair I was sitting on, "A lot."

Hephaestus face palmed, "You have a huge chance of dying. Now did you get any other blessings?"

"Yes, from Erebus."

Hephaestus groaned in frustration, "Why must you be so powerful! You're mortal essence is already almost gone, I'm just drawing out the remains before your body explodes with too much essence. No God or demigod can be blessed by 2 let alone 3 primordial! You're dying!"

"What, no I can't die. I have to save the others, Luke,Beckendorf, Silena, Bianca and the other demigods!" I was close to tears now.

"I'm sorry Perseus but at most, you can live around a year as long as you keep your trident near you at all time. Your power gets increased near a master weapon of yours but not your essence,s o you won't die when you touch something powerful!"

"Is there anything I can do?"

Hephaestus nodded gravely, "There is no way you can live except of becoming a primordial, which no one has done before but if you eat a golden apple from the garden of Hesperides along with being near your master weapon, you can live for around 2 years."

"I'll do it , at least I can save all my friends in the Titan war but not the Giant war. Lord Hephaestus, when i was fighting against Loki, I used Ananke's power to make my life thread never to be cut by the fates, so how can I die?"

Hephaestus stroke his beard in deep thought, "I don't have an affirmative answer you'll have to go to Athena for that but I have a theory. Every part of your body is contradicting against each other, you have 1 year to live now but if we include the fact that you made your life thread unbreakable, you might die in 1 and a half years time. In total 2 and a half years if you reach the golden apple of immortality from the garden of Hesperides. Go young hero, be wary of using your powers, your powers are already flickering."

I nodded my head and opened the case of my trident. I slowly pulled out the trident from the case letting it balance in my hand before walking out of the house.

An immense wave of power washed over me, this was better than controlling fire.

I lifted my trident into the sky, the three prongs aiming at Ouranus.

"Woohoo!" A voice exclaimed.

"Who's there?" I asked as man,children and women elves stared at me in my confusion as I was standing in the middle of the streets.

"It's me, the trident my name is Hydros (I know about the primordial, I just couldn't think of a name for the weapon).

"You can talk?" I stared at the sea-green trident in my hand.

"Of course I can talk, I have been in that darn case for so long without my phone. I need it for texting!"

I did not know that tridents could text, where's there fingers, unless their fingers are their prongs.

"Alright, do you know how to to get to the Smithsonian National Museum?" I questioned, hoping for a mode of transportation besides shadow travelling.

"Yep! Up, up and away!" The trident flew into the sky dragging me behind.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" My right hand felt like it's as on fire as I screamed as loud as posible before i blacked out due to the pressure.

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