Chapter 13

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Over the weeks, I started to become closer to Piper. "Phase 1 completed, phase 2 begins," My thoughts were interrupted by the soothing voice of Piper, "Jason! Do you want to pair up for the science Project?"

"Sure! Pipes!" I replied before tripping over.

"Oops!" The school bully, Isabel, cackled.

"Damn it! What's wrong with you!" I was seething with rage. I grabbed Isabel by the throat before lifting pressing her against the locker.

Isabel started turning purple as her eyes rolled back in her head.

Stop it! Jason!" Piper screamed.

At once, I felt a cold presence leave my head and my thoughts became clearer. "Styx! Eidolon!"

"Welp! I thought there goes my plan," I reversed time by just 10 minutes.

"Jason! Do you want to pair up for the science project?"

"Sure!" I replied. This time round jumping up to avoid tripping over Isabel's Gucci designer shoes.

I turned around to Isabel's face and blew raspberries at her as Piper smacked my head, "You really are a child!"

I laughed and followed her home. Along the way, she seemed really nervous. "It must have been the fact that she was Tristan McLean's daughter," I thought, deciding to be the good friend I decided to look unimpressed when we arrive.

"Holy Styx!" I mentally shouted. "Her house was huge, no wait, mansion was huge!"

"So this is my humble abode," Piper said while doing huge hand gestures.

"Okay, cool," I replied in a bored tone and looked at my nails.

Piper smiled , ecstatic to see I wasn't overreacting to the fact she was rich.

"Okay let's do our science project here. What's the topic by the way?" Piper questioned as she opened a door to a study room.

"Geothermal energy," I answered and without warning, grabbed Piper from behind and covered her mouth.

"Hades underpants! She had a lot of security guards! I have to do this quietly."

"What are you doing?" Piper asked as she started to squirm in my grasp.

"Be quiet!" I slowly walked out of the house with her still squirming and trying to escape from me. I smashed the closest car window and reached my hand in to open the door. "Is this your car?" I asked Piper.

She nodded with fear shining in her eyes.

"Pass me the keys," I outstretched my arm as she reached into her pocket to grab the keys and placed it in my hand.

I started the car and got in the driving seat and placed Piper beside me.

"What do you want, Jason? Money? Fame? Anything?" Piper questioned tear starting to form in her eyes. "Please don't hurt me."

Starting to feel bad, I started the car before taking a piece of candy form much pocket and passing it to Piper. "Eat it, don't worry is not laced with poison."

Piper nodded her head and popped it into her mouth. At once her eyes widened and hugged me.

"Woah woah! I'm driving, not that I know how to," I shrieked before smashing into a trashcan as a a empty packet of capri sun flew onto the car window.

"So what's the plan Percy!" Piper held on for life as I drove to the one and only Mcahizzle's home.

Now we find The Flaming Mcshizzle!"

I got out of the car leaving Piper behind and walked over to Leo who was lying on the street after just being kicked out of his foster home. "Hi kid, do you want some candy!" I was kinda liking the kidnapper vibe thing.

Leo nodded his head in excitement and popped one in his mouth. After a few seconds of awkward staring, Leo got up and started playing with some shrapnel and lint he found in his pocket, "Sup Perce! Get in the car! Mcshizzle's driving now!"

Piper and Leo gave each other a hug before turning to me, "Where to now?"

"You guys will rescue Frank and bring him to camp Jupiter and I have to go to a meeting with the primordials," the duo nodded their head in afirmación before driving off and leaving me in the dust. Suddenly, a bright line shone on me as I started to hover in the sky before being teleported to a throne room. I turned around scanning my surroundings and found twelve seats all unoccupied except 2, occupied by a man with white hair and a man wearing a tuxedo with eyes dark as midnight.

"I know your Chronos," I pointed to the man with white hair. "But who are you?" I asked and pointed to the man wearing a tuxedo.

"I am Erebus, Primordials of Darkness,"

"Now, Perseus!" Chronos exclaimed with glee. "Erebus here is a fan of you and being the guy he is he wants to grant you power over shadows but in return you have to sign his Koala pillow!"

Erebus blushed before snapping his finger and a pen along with a koala pillow appeared. "Sign it, sign it!" Erebus chanted a grin threatening to split his face.

I signed the pillow before Erebus pressed his thumb on my forehead before flashing off with a Yipee.

Chronos sighed, "He really is a man child." Chronos snapped his finger before he flashed me onto a ship.

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