Chapter 11

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"Mother," Annabeth bowed her head down in respect. "You are a disgrace to the house of Athena," Athena spat. "You are no child of mine!" Athena laced her voice with venom. Athena dropped Annabeth's hand and turned to me, she smiled at me. "Perseus, I come with a message from Chronos. The primordial with much interest would like to meet you to see if you are worthy to be a primordial. I looked at her bewildered, "Ok? I guess? When will I be seeing them now? Or what?"

"You will not be seeing them now but when the quest for the..." Athena did not get to finish before Annabeth interrupted her. "Why does he get to be a primordial! I am so much better than that worthless mortal with not a single drop of in his veins!" Annabeth finished smugly. "Quite you insolent child!" She snarled at Annabeth before smiling at me, " Now where was I? Oh yes! You will meet the primordial when the quest for the Golden Fleece has been issued." Annabeth once more being annoying interupted her mother once more, "Mother I'll save you! I know that disgusting male has you under his control!" Athena sighed and rolled her eyeballs, "Word of advice erase her memories of this moment," Athena said before kissing me on the cheek and flashing away. Annabeth looked like she had just been slapped as she saw her mother kiss me. I did not blush however knowing it was not romantically but instead in a friend-way.

I turned to the Di Angelo siblings and hugged them, "I have to reverse time to wipe Annabeth's memories and unfortunately you will lose your memories too. I can't give you the sweet again as it might damage the timeline and everything could be too unpredictable, you wouldn't be kidnapped by Dr.Thorn. Artemis wouldn't be kidnapped without her hearing about the great stirring and the Bessie." I sighed and gave them one last hug and kissed Bianca on the forehead and she blushed as Nico wiggled his eyebrows( Brotp sorry Yeeticantbebothered ). Suddenly an idea struck me.

"Hey neeks!"

"Don't call me that Perce!"

"Alright, I need a favor,"

"Sure whatcha need?"

"Can you shadow me to where Piper goes to school at?"

"Sure! What are you doing there anyways?"

"I am kidnapping Piper. But first I gotta to go shopping I need a white van and some candy. Oh wait! I already have some the memory candy! So that leaves the white van."

Nico and Bianca laughed at my antics and shadowed traveled to where Piper lived. I imagined a pocket watch and pictured the hour hand turning back 1 hour ago.

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