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(OC is based off of a Manhwa named 'The Player that can't level up'. One of the swords has the same name.)

How long has it actually been since Ethan's raid? Time in the Dungeon seems to be moving at a faster pace than what Earth gives. A minute in there equals 1 second on earth, an hour would equal a minute, 1 day would equal 1 hour, but Ethan hasn't reached a month. Just 1 day. His first few hours were a hassle as wolves kept on spawning and spawning, almost like a wave in video games.

"FINALLY....!" Ethan took a seat next to the boss wolf "a day. A day! Just to take down one. Single. Freaking. Wolf. I need a breather."

"With us, you could've taken it down in 6 hours top."

"That would mean we are still far too weak just to take down a single D-Rank Wolf, wouldn't it, Ian?"

"All that matters is that it's dead. Nothing else. But please...keep it down....my head hurts, metaphorically and literally."

You have slained 'Big Bad Wolf'

You have leveled up!
You have leveled up!

Yippee! Now, bug off...don't bother me anymore. Look! My fatigue is at 621! ~(Ethan)

And not only that, he wasted that Status Recovery on the first hour. Maybe it would've been a good idea to save it. There was a mechanical beeping noise when a notification came on...

Daily Quest: Preparation to becoming Stromger!

Ah yes, stromger. Did you misspell 'Stronger'? ~(Ethan)

"Haha, shut the fuck up kid."

Good. All better ~(Ethan)

(I actually misspelled stronger. So I rolled with it)

If only a recovery potions were at his hand. He would chug the entire bottle like a man stranded far too long in a desert. Well, nothing Ethan can do about it but just comply to this painful and annoying Daily Quest.

"I wanna ask something and you better give an honest answer."

"Yes, master. I have a historic moments of pledging truth to the master."

"If I recieved the punishment, would it take me, uh...I dunno, another dungeon?"

"As a matter of fact, yes, it would. You will simply be transferred here to the other dungeon we prepared if you ever failed."

"Good to know."

"Did you even pick up the boss' items?"

"Ah shit. Of course!" Ethan nervously laughed at himself "ooh! 5 items!"

Name: Ears of BBW
Rank: D
Item Type: headband
Torn from the wolf's Ears, spiky enough
To impale a finger or even a nail. These
Ears will boost the Player's stats.
When the set is completed, the sense stat
Will automatically go up by 5 points
+5 Strength, +5 Agility, +5 Vitality

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