8: a day of rest? nope!

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(Another make up. Just a quick heads up, Ethan will become older later down the road. Hate the idea of having highschool kids save the world or universe, why not let the actual adults do it? So, yeah. Ethan will get older through an event he will cause on himself. Stay tuned for that.)

Late at night, Ethan went straight to bed at Issei's house. When arriving, no one was there to greet him which is his fault. He didn't notify anyone of his return. So no blame were put onto anyone.

Fuck it. I'm sleeping right here ~(Ethan)

And to that, he did. No pillow, no blanket, no bed. Just him and the floor. That's all Ethan ever needed to sleep. Ian and Elle slept restlessly after being used left and right, cutting down magic beasts that were spotted at any distance Ethan senses them to be at. Whether it's a group of them or not. Next day rolled around, shining every alleyways the town had to offer when the sun came out, including rising temperatures that one suffers in during summers.

Hot. But not as hot as me! ~(Ian)

Not that bad. I went to California, Arizona, and Australia during these times. Doesn't hold up. I guess people would call this 'this some pussy shit!'...yeah they'll probably say those lines ~(Ethan)

The humans born in the heat are adapted to their environment. Once they experience other parts of the world in heat, it'll become just a hint of what they grew up in. Comparing the two which is hotter ~(Elle)

"Pool cleaning? This looks disgusting!" Issei exclaimed "I ain't touching that. No way~. Even if you offer me tiddies, that ain't enough chief."

"Cleaning? Yes! Love cleaning!" Ethan is a clean freak. Making things spotless inside his home and everywhere else besides hunting

"Two people clashing. One represents a spectrum of wonder to make spotless space for the world living in clean while one refuses to do so, spreading his dirtiest plagues across the lands." Kiba chuckled a bit

"It hasn't been used in a year. So it is our duty as thanks for Sona's offer of helping to defeat Kokabiel. Everyone! Change into your gym uniforms and help out when you're ready."

Hm. Rias faced Kokabiel. The weakest Fallen Angel commander to exist. Ha! Bet she struggled to land a scratch even with her peerage. Hey bud, if it were you, you would have done 3 strikes and he's out ~(Ian)

You guys knew him? ~(Ethan)

So little, master. All we knew is him being a battle maniac, wanting war against all factions again. It's a turn on for him. Our old master made him kneel and had 'im lick dust off his shoes ~(Elle)

"Issei..." Kiba reached out to him

What can you tell me more about your old master. Exclude how he only saw you as weapons and nothing else. What did he look like ~(Ethan)

Our master is a handsome young man with blue eyes and blonde hair. Sometimes he wore a long blue overcoat over a three piece suit. Despite being the strongest being, he is not particularly arrogant and is both polite and patient...plus....we lied about him being dicks towards us.... ~(Elle)


Oh, I knew. But not the taking innocent lives for sure ~(Ethan)

He also has good judgement, and cares about human life. The fact he is a human tells me all about him ~(Elle)

Nothing was more important than saving humanity and slaying other factions if it was for them to live. What a nice guy....but now we're in a era full of greed, hatred, and lust...will I represent humanity? ~(Ethan)

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