6: my current level... (End of Intro Arc)

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Over the course of ten days, a few times Ethan tried speaking out towards Akeno you could say and it never went really well, but he tried. In the meantime, there were meeting's of him and Alyssa secretly outside of the mansion just to chat and go out eating, hoping to never let Issei see her body and lust over it. The two grew closer as time went on, Issei gotten stronger to the point he can destroy a mountain, but Ethan topped him over when he split his beam in half. Both indeed grew stronger. Yet, Ethan has the most drastic change to his body. It's astonishing to see a human outgrow a dragon wielder without any use of magic.

"Ethan. Congrats on becoming stronger." Rias and Ethan exchanged high fives

Level: 34

These last 10 days felt forever to level up now ~(Ethan)

Of course it did. You're past 30. Have you played any RPG games before, master? ~(Elle)

Yes. Multiple. Oh~, the higher level I am, the more harder it'll be to level up. Gotcha ~(Ethan)

"Pack your things, we are leaving now!" Rias announced "Ethan, mind helping out?"

"Sure." Ethan's strength stat went over 80, so carrying bags twice his size was an easy peace of cake. Heck, if it was 30, he still had no trouble carrying this bitch "Issei. I still haven't met your parents yet...should I be worried?"

"What makes you say that?"

"Your parents have sensible rights while you have strayed enough to say 'I'm a fucking degenerate that even degenerates stay away from me'."

After a long walk back to Ethan's neighborhood, he was greeted by cats and dogs as a token of warm welcome. They were fed by Alyssa who went around like a crazed women who's seen an animal for the first time, a few had called the cops on her and newspaper headlines came out saying 'crazed animal lady has been spotted near homes. Is she a criminal?'...pissed off Elms for making such a scene. She was told to never freak out from cuteness overload, and here she is, disobeying his order. Ouga tackled him down, nuzzling his chest as she missed doing that. The group, however...had an change of expression.

"....Alyssa Ouga. Princess of the Oni's. Next heir to the throne as well." Rias addressed her "you know Ethan?"

"I should be saying that to you. Brother of Sirzech, what a nice surprise that you're close to a human." Ouga towered Rias a few inches "what's your relationship between him?"

"Is the great warrior during the great war showing jealousy? I never heard a fierce Oni like you being so protective of a human before, how nice change of heart."

The two were giving off a vibe that only Sona and Rias could make off, so Akeno steps in to stop before a fight breaks out.

"You're lucky your queen stopped me. Any more and I would've ripped off your arm and use it to bash your skull in." Ouga threatened

"Chill! Chill! Ouga, step down..."

"Okay!" She obediently step down

"Rias. No more..." standing next to both strong females, it is overwhelming "and release your blood lust...my friends, don't kill each other for me. Please...cooperate...okay?"

"If Ethan is asking, I'll make a truce."

"Thank you."

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