5: OOH! New powers!

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Elms suddenly shot his eyes wide open, sweating, confused, scared as to what had happened for him to be in such a state. There was no recalls to what happened when he collected the fragments all together. He blacked out.

Ian.......Elle.......hello! ~(Ethan)

Master, do not worry. You seemed worried for us not answering fast enough. We're here. We sworn to never leave the master's side ~(Elle)

Oh thank goodness. W...why am I in a bed? It seems my clothes still have those holes....my back is killing me ~(Ethan)

To his surprise, no clothes got removed which thankfully. It was just him at....someone else's bed? Not his.

Where am I? ~(Ethan)

Using his sense stat, there were auras coming from downstairs. Two devils and two humans. Do those two know that there's devils with them? Not only that, there's no killing intent they're giving off. Ethan found his bags of clothes just sitting by the entrance along with his backpack for school. Everything inside is untouched. Yet, why was he brought here?

"Whose house am I in?" Ethan asked his swords

Issei's ~(Ian and Elle)

"Oh...wait....how long have I been out?"

Ehhhhhh a day. You didn't miss much ~(Ian)

"Please no-"

Daily Quest: Preparation to get stronger!

"....*sighs* okay. Okay. I'll get to it." Elms dressed up in a new set of clothes, replacing those torn up clothes with some black shorts, blue shirt, and a white zip up hoodie. He put on the hood and jumps out the window without making any noises "got the location."

While doing that, he needed a quick stop by his house. Two birds in one stone. Once his daily routine reached its end, Ethan still had his old key waiting in his inventory. He popped that bad boy in and entered his old apartment. His bed still there, TV is untouched, kitchen accessories are remained in their places, a bit dusty but nothing to worry about. Glad no one broke in to steal anything from his belongings. There's basically nothing but still!

"Where's Coco? Kuro?"

Safe. Hanging back at Issei's house. I see you almost miss feeding time for the animals ~(Elle)

"Phew! Let's get to work." Ethan used the shop to purchase animal food, more bowls, more water, and more blankets "best thing to ever come."

Bowls were filled to brim, animals were petted and cuddled, neighbors saying morning. A perfect day that one might say 'yeah....nothing can go wrong'. All of a sudden, cats were meowing to catch his attention which is strange. Normally they would only purr to gain it but to meow? There's an eerie feeling Ethan's recieved.

"Show me." He demanded the cat

Not far from his current location, a group of dogs and cats surrounded one dog. It....it's motionless and blood pools the body.

"No. Nonononono....oh shit....it's been...stabbed..." Ethan checked her pulse ".....none....."

There's no saving the dog. Whoever made this wound must pay for their sins, since the system is there to back him up, Ethan will no longer become the person to alert police. Those bastards will pay with their own blood. Elms curled the dog into his arms, blaming himself for entering a state of slumber. It probably felt scared and weak to do anything since she's only a baby Shiba-inu.

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