18: Well...?

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A body skidded amongst the snowy path after receiving a blow powerful enough to knock this person back miles away from the offender, crashing into trees or cars or any objects standing it's way from minimal damage, so it did not bother at all. With all force being poured onto the tips of those fingers, it buried those five as a way to act as a brake, not the best solution but it's better than obtaining more injuries behind this launch. Upon slowing down enough, it had a quick reaction when noticing another's aura entering its range, it threw its weapon at that ominous threat, yet so did that threat follow with this action as well. Both weapons traveling at the speed of light, both assembled with their own materials and had made a name for themselves for causing havoc on anything it deemed an enemy, came into contact with each other head on - releasing a shockwave that effortlessly ruined their landscape into smithereens, reshaping their area into a confusing setup but the center remained identical. Both beings discontinued their assault on each other and began wandering around the weapons, who's crying out in screeches and buzzing....

"Was it luck?! Was it blind, FUCKING, luck!!?? Did my son's die to some fucking luck?!?!"

"They struck first!! If it weren't for them, none of this would've happened. I did not wish for this outcome! Please, just listen to me!"

"I don't care!! You did something unforgivable... FUCKING.... HUMAN!!!"

They both called their weapons simultaneously, a reaction time in par with each other to the point they rushed with throats to grab. One with a hammered weapon while the other held a sword fused with magic inside, soon collided with the power to take down gods, blasted the two apart from each other for a moment. The first quickly revisited nostalgic memories of crashing through cars and buildings, and as for the other had just been put through the ground in a considerable distance from a leveled position. Both were tired, shaken up, and outright cold from the everlasting winter on Midgard. Midgard hasn't been the same since Baldur passed. Precisely the date travels back from a few years ago, and earth hasn't been warm prior to that. Now, remaining humans has either seek refugees in other mythologies to consider a new home for the meantime or has taken akin in protecting themselves and their family with a new threat at hand. Yet, another force of threat halted the man from crashing into more rubble. Blasting the man with a solid punch towards the face, filled with such intent to kill, he never bothered to look after the damage he's done. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill this human, vulgar thoughts only corrupted this person's mind.

"Pretender god!" He rushed heavily towards the human, clenching another hand aiming steadily "what have your promises ever been worth!! Only lies and hatred!!"

The man withstood the god's strength with the weapon he's carrying, despite it being a sword meant to deliver sliced enemies, it had keen durability to withstand an almighty god's punch. Most who dealt with it has experienced shattered arms or weapons, might as go far as having the body disintegrated to nothing.

"Fuck off, Shiva!!" Another god enters the ring, unleashing havoc that even laid upon Shiva himself "THIS BASTARD IS MINE!!!"

More and more, gods in different mythologies have started to enter unannounced and with killing intent towards the human, so far as having those who ranked on 'Top 10 Strongest Beings in the World'. Shiva and Thor are one of them, and the top dog 'Ophis'. All carried hatred at this human, who they trusted, who they considered an ally - family - or a friend, now none of those remain. He broken everything they built upon, but it was a misunderstanding to begin with. He didn't want any of this. The man was only trying to avert having Baldur killed, yet an unknown god continued the fate of the world.... the universe's. Tired. Tired, and tried for the longest while.... he's finally beginning to break after organizing countless peace treaty negotiations.

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