10: i'll kill this asshole!

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"No...don't!" Ethan begged the knight to let go his arm

The black knight intention is to make him a special need

"GYAAAAAGGGHHHHH!!!" His expression of pain escaped through his mouth "GAAAHHHHH!!! FUUUUUCK!!!"

One arm is no longer a use to him, for the knight bends his elbow in the direction it's not supposed to go. Hearing his own painful cry of agony, Akeno is puzzled whether or not if she should buy Issei some time to grab Ethan and get the hell outta there...or witness a beatdown where she's powerless to do anything. Issei's own legs had become frozen in place after discovering there's a monster greater than the ones he faced, started chasing after one of his friends, may I add this is the first time Hyodo has scratched the surface of what Ethan battled with to be stronger.

"Ddraig!! ASCALON!!!"


The blade is a dragon slayer only used to bring down any species of dragon, for it was made that way by well known blacksmiths during the great war and was never to be used again...until now. But this knight isn't a dragon so why must that weapon be used against that? Issei never put much brain into the use of that weapon, Ethan will have a full understanding of it thanks to the System bestowing him with all of its glory. Artorias the Abysswalker catches the blade before it can touch its Chestplate with ease. You see, this knight has been through many trial and errors to be considered the Abysswalker, and to uphold that title....he's gotta be fearful to his opponents. Artorias gained a few chuckles.

"What a beautiful weapon right there. Say boy: where did you get it?"

"IT TALKS???" Sure Issei heard Artorias speak, but he can't understand its language "DDRAIG!!!"

"Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost!"

"I can feel your power is growing...ha....just a fraction of growth you gained. Kid, may I show you why they call me the Abysswalker?"

Artorias collected strength onto his right arm as he cocked it back, bulking up in muscles as Issei's surrounding area became heavier due to magic. Hyodo isn't sure if he could block this or not, doesn't mean he'll probably live out of it. Before Artorias punch can land, Ethan stopped his death blow thanks to the Holy-light gauntlet, causing a shockwave of metal clanks.

"Hey, stop. You're opponent....is me." Ethan's left eye begins to glow cyanic

Did Ethan...just speak its tongue?! ~(Issei)

"Still got some light in your eyes, eh?"

Elms took a stance as Issei escaped, to never be caught up with these two monsters which is ironic coming from a devil.

"You're not drawing your weapon?"

"Like the swords can something to metallic armor. It's like trying to break a Nokia phone with another." says Ethan

Fatigue: 21
Health: 19,333

"I have no understanding to what that means, human. But...here's something you'll understand." The knight took out the longsword and the two daggers at its sides and threw them on to the floor, one at a time. It was a slow, deliberate act, sending a message to Ethan. The silence of the shrine was broken by the loud sounds of the metal falling onto the stone slabs. Having discarded his weapons, Artorias raised his fists and took a fighting stance, imitating the Hunter

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