??: differences (shits and giggles arc + end arc)

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"Y/N...Y/N, wake up."

(I really can't. Doing Y/N is so fucking cringe.)

You awakened after a ruthless battle against a dragon, Rias breathing heavily at your side. Then, stood Ethan beside you.

"Oi, oi, oi. The hell? This is my story, thank you very much." Said Ethan "wait, this chapter ain't part of the storyline. So why the heck is this a thing?"

Right, sorry. Elms sighed disappointingly as Y/N came into the picture. What's weird is that Yin (pronunciation of Y/N) possess a similar yet so weaker than the system. Y/N is a gamer, while Ethan is a Player. What's the difference between these two system's? The Gamer provides... the gamer, an insane amount of skill sets that are easily unlockable through various situations that the Gamer goes through, while attaining many status such as Strength, Dexterity, Agility, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Luck. The 'Gamer' is easily able to level up while it takes the Player longer but the reward is greater. The gamer is set to have powerful familiar, gains a harem at every random women he comes across and readers speculate that she'll be part of the harem because they want it. Y/N has a sacred gear, Ethan doesn't. One side, God created the Gamer. At the other.... Mrs. Himejima or Ethan addresses her that way, when in reality... her true identity is being kept a secret. Y/N travels to video game worlds which are called 'dungeons' when in reality, just another world with a fitting name for the Gamer.

"Ethan. Level?" Y/N asked


You used the 'observe' skill to check his status, but for unknown reason, the highest level of Observe is still not enough to take a peak of him. You retry over and over yet it's still locked away. What is Ethan for the observe skill to never take effect on him? Well, The Player, is a player for the system Mrs. Himejima created for him as an apology for rejecting his parents begging. It is used to help Ethan's growth to tower above these creatures and gods that have been at the top of the food chain, at the same time, slowly loses his humanity in the process and atone this poker faced boy the System does. As Ethan progresses further and further, his emotions begins to disappear that'll leave behind an empty shell. The Player surprisingly enters real dungeons created by the system, Ian and Elle, and there he ventures on to level up without stopping. Y/N doesn't give a crap of Rias or anyone else because of how Authors tend to make you - yes, YOU, hate them for no reason besides 'RiAs iS pOwEr hUnGrY, iSsEi iS ToO pErVeRtEd, KoNeKo bEsT gIrL, AsIa CoCkBlOcKiNg'. Shut the fuck uuuuppp. God.... you fucking nerds. Ethan on the other hand, cares for Rias and everyone despite how they act. Why? The sole reason is that they're the first group to ever remember Ethan when his true purpose is to be forgotten, and that reason is yet to be uncovered as to why though.

"Ethan... we both share similar powers but why are you much stronger than me?" You asked

"You're fucking pathetic, that's why. I don't waste my damn time going around dungeons on those VIDEO GAME worlds and spend time exchanging dialogues with people I come across. No, I have friends I wanna protect, families, humanity, my life... me and you are vastly different from each other, I don't abandon my humanity by becoming a fucking devil, dragon, orc, fox, Ogre, elf, demon god, gargoyle, etc." Ethan held you up with only partial of his true strength "you died and turned into another species while I died and remained human for the sake of humanity!"

"Tell 'em, kid!" Brian Vandana (main protagonist of 'Rise To The Top!'), enjoys the quarrel while gorging himself on popcorn "tell 'em what it's like to go through hardship and enormous pain while those fuckers are laid back and handle things the easy way!"

You cannot win against these monsters no matter how hard you level up, raise your status, gain new skills, and obtain powerful sacred gears. You're caught between two rocks with no escape. Ethan and Vandana are players who have not that variety of skillsets, by that means it is cut down to 1/4 of them, have fewer stats to put on, and has class-specific skillsets. The gamer will soon reach its limit, but the Players will indefinitely grow without any limit. That is the vast difference in both terms. Plus, there's this fucking abomination in these goddamn stupid gamer male reader stories:

Action or narrative



Game text

A/N: *insert what you wanna say*

[Game notifications]

*insert picture here because you're too lazy to describe the action*

*insert picture here because you're too lazy to describe the character*

*insert gif...*

*insert picture here because you're too lazy to describe the weapon*

Why can't it be like this, what Mr. Author is doing:

Thinking ~(character name) or the other option is this -----> thinking <----- for the main character itself, no need to do the ladder most of the time

Action or narrative

Game text or game notifications

[News and headlines]

(Hey, that's me talking!)

Saying how many days passed, months passed, years passed, or specific days the world is set on. Time, Earlier, later, next day, etcetera

(Dialogue from past events.)

"Talking in different tongue than human language or a possessed weapon speaking and what sounds like a male."

"Singing or a possessed weapon speaking and sounds like a female."

"Hello! [*another character talking at the same time as the first guy*]."

Messenger: *message*

Sure there are drawbacks to this style of writing but it's a whole lot better than the examples from Male-Gamer-Reader Stories. Yeah. That's my rant for this shits and giggles page. Oh, and Ethan dominated that Y/N in battle, killing you in the process. Brian Vandana just watched as chaos unfolds between both system holders. The Player outmatched The Gamer. Plus, having someone called 'The Gamer' is so childish. 'Player' or 'The Player' rings a nice touch to it. Now that you reached the end of this chapter, continue scrolling up for the next

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