4: just a simple summoning

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Ethan figured a few things from yesterday: the power to revive the dead and turn them into soliders, the system's shop is now open and ready to use, and a final goodbye to Raynare. All and all, this is only the beginning before Ethan's big event on becoming the strongest.

4:30...kid....go do your daily quest.....I'm so fucking tired.... ~(Ian)

His voice sounded groggily, so he went back to sleep while Ethan put on his shoes, a hoodie, and packed few snacks on the way. Who knew 4:30 AM looked so bright when it's supposed to be slightly more darker and less brighter, but I guess in the anime things were different. Must be magic for this to happen. On the way, his abnormal human senses picked up some devils aura from not too far away from his position. Ethan guessed it must be Rias and someone else she's training. The aura was weak compared to Raynare and the other demons he fought. Elms could mistaken it to be a cat at peace. Rias' trainee turned out to be Issei for raising his physical body.

"Well, we got another boy who's up and ready. Ethan, how are you holding up?" She asked, knowing what had happened yesterday "look. I didn't mean to say those words that hurt you. I was simply protecting my chess pieces from becoming 'purified' by the angels."

"....doing a little bit better. And....it's nice for you to say that. I wasn't focusing anything you said yesterday. Blinded by my best friend's death that made me partake in actions I'm not proud of doing" Ethan replied as he jogs beside Rias "please, I'll do anything you wish for."

"Ohoho~, Ethan. Bud. Don't let that get to her head." Issei spoke as he was ahead "trust me. If you say that to anyone, then who knows what request they'll make you do."

"Ah. Right. Only one request will be given." Ethan changed his mind before it was too late "I'll do one thing you ask."

"Damnit Issei! I'm pumping up your training!" Rias forcefully made Issei work a bit harder "Akeno! You get Ethan for him listening to Issei!"

What's all the yelling in here? ~(Elle)

Shush! Go back to sleep....before you fully wake me up as well ~(Ian)

"Yes, president." She was dressed the same as Rias: wearing a tracksuit "Ethan. Ethan. Ethan. Ethan. Yay~!"

"Oh Ethan....you don't know how much this gives me a boost." Issei mumbled into his ear

"Haha. Pervert. But a good kind of pervert." It takes a while to get to know Issei, but Ethan got him down in less than a day

"By the way, why are you wearing a hoodie while it's sunny?" Issei questioned

"Why are you wearing a tracksuit while it's sunny?" Ethan mocks him with the same question

The two laughed it off as it made no sense. Issei had a grey tracksuit, Ethan had shorts and a zip up hoodie. Very differential style of clothing. Honestly, Ethan's hoodie is gonna smell like sweat after his workout.

"How....are you d-doing this!?" Issei is already tired despite being a devil

"Been doing this for a week. Not big of a deal."

Hanging around by the park, Rias sat on Issei's back while he does pushups. Akeno STOOD on Ethan's back while he does pushups. She isn't even that heavy thanks to strength surpassing 65.

"Akeno, how many has Ethan done?"


"Wow, look at that. Issei, if you continue you would do as many as Ethan's doing. How does a human do that much?" Rias had her mind on one unexplainable occurrence "what magic do you use to enhance your physique?"

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