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Ovid (Leon's secretary)

9:14 am
Good morning, Ovid.

9:25 pm
Good morning, Sir Leon. I made arrangements with Galerie Olympus.

9:28 pm
So it's all set?

9:34 am
Yes. Sunday, 7 PM. Should I send out your invitation through e-mail?

9:37 am
No need. It's for one.

9:40 am
Yes, Sir. I know it's a solo exhibit. But I mean, should I send it to your usual guests? Prospective clients?

9:41 am
No, Ovid. For Sunday, I only have one guest.

9:43 am
Then for the rest of the days that my exhibit will be open, I want it to be open for all.

9:45 am
Sir, by all you mean?

9:47 am
Anyone. I want it to be open for anyone who wants to see it.

9:50 am
Art is for all, Ovid. It should be.

9:52 am
And as for buyers, open it for anyone. Lower the prices. Let's make it affordable for those who admire it just the same but couldn't afford it.

9:54 am
Are you sure, Sir? But how about its value?

9:58 am
Money doesn't give art its true worth. It will always be valuable more than its monetary worth for those who truly sees it.

10:00 am
That also applies to people, Ovid.

10:02 am
I understand, Sir. Very much so. I will see to it that all of your instructions will be followed.

10:05 am
Thank you. 🙂

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