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Tsubaki Sakurako PoV - Class 1 C

It's been seven days since the beginning of the deserted island exam. Everyone trying their absolute best to get through this. Some trying to get that first spot, some are happy with being in the middle of the pack, while some just want to avoid being placed in the bottom five groups.

Survival is everyone's top priority and the only goal for this exam.

However, this isn't entirely true, at least for some of us.

Why? Because some of us, first-years, have received another task.

That is expelling this existence known as Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

Still not clear as to why they want him out, we were told not to question further. The student who succeeds in dropping him out gets 20 Million Points.

Even if you look at the prize from an individual standpoint, it's very tempting. So, for a class leader such as myself, taking up this chance was a no-brainer. These points could come in very handy in the future. Considering points are a vital part of the school system.

All of this, just for expelling a single person.

Meaning, this second year Senpai was a big deal, as school went so far as to organize a secret exam just for the sole purpose of getting him out. Student Council President, Chairman himself, personally selected five students from our grade for this task.

Nanase and Housen seem to be the least cooperative with us, but that would only be a problem if we were short on hands.

Right now, we had a day off, due to heavy rain earlier. Perfect opportunity to plan further. Utomiya and Yagami are here with me as well.

We thought of something. A way to see the extent of Ayanokouji-Senpai, how far he would go.

Our decoy was already in motion. We had sent Housen to where Ayanokouji-Senpai currently is.

"You really think it was a good idea to send Housen by himself?"

Utomiya standing beside me, questioned. It seems he has his doubts.

"Is there any problem?"

"No, it's just...If the school put such a high price on him, surely just sending one person wouldn't be enough."

Utomiya was having second thoughts on Housen's ability to fight.

"What do you think, Utomiya-kun? Housen is the strongest person we have in our year. You think Ayanokouji-Senpai would be able to overpower him?"

"Yes. Besides, Housen already tried something against Ayanokouji-Senpai during our first special exam. Despite teaming up with multiple people, he still failed."

Now, Utomiya is referring to Housen's earlier failure.



"Where did that happen?"

"What do you mea-"

His eyes widened as he realizes what I was going for.

"In School."

Utomiya answered.

"Precisely. Someone like Housen would need to be given complete freedom to utilize his entire skillset. Or more like his only skill, which is violence ."

"Are you seriously saying that after witnessing all the bandage on Senpai's hand?"

Well, there's that too.

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