Dan of Steel

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The sun is crushing the earth with it's heat as you and the Crusaders found an old horse drawn carriage and decided to use it to leave.

The old woman was tied up in the back of the cart as you,Kakyoin and Polnareff ride as Joseph has ahold on the reigns.

Well. Apparently, due to your new relationship, which you still couldn't believe, Jotaro has you under constant watch.

Basically, Jotaro is more focused on your safety than anyone else's.

"You can do it!" Polnareff says.

Your standing up in the front seat next to jotaro as she rested her head in her hand as she sighed.

Joseph, Kakyoin and Polnareff we're all cheering you on. Polnareff had bet you 500¥ if you can't shoot down a bird.

You, being a gambling man as shown with your last card game decided that you'll take that bet.

"C'mon you little bastard" you mumble while you point your peacemaker up.

"Pretend it's you bullies face!" Joseph said. You stopped and looked at him "I've never been bullied" Kakyoin spoke next "Pretend it's DIO"

You look at him "I don't even know what this DIO person looks like"

Polnareff spoke next "Pretend it's the guy who caused your mom's car accident!"

Within an instant you yell and time back to the sky and begins shooting

"SUNOVABITCH!" You fire 3 rounds as you miss and then fire the last as you Nick the birds wing and it sound and falls until it hits the ground.

You get angry. And throw your gun into the back seat with Kakyoin and Polnareff before you slump down and hold your head.

Jotaro and Joseph turned behind them to look at Polnareff while.Kakyoin looked left.

"What?" Polnareff said. Kakyoin scowled and slapped the side of his head "OW! What?!" Polnareff said as he rubs his face "he hit the bird!"

Joseph sighs as he rubs your back "that wasn't the point"

You silently cry in your hands as Jotaro scoots over and hugs you.

Joseph sees a town ahead "C'mon let's try and find a place to eat"


Inside the town Joseph smiles "hey! A kebab stand!" Immediately your head raises as you look over "FOOD!"

Joseph laughs "I take it your hungry! A growing boy must have his nutrients!"

Joseph stops the carriage as he gets off "you guys wait here, I'll see what I can do"

As Joseph walks away Polnareff reaches forward and holds your gun out. "Here" you look back and take it from him.

You look down as you pull the cylinder out and place 4 bullets in the slots. Once your down you push it closed and slip it into your holster.

"How many bullets do you have?" Jotaro asked "Last few" you say.

Just then Joseph is walking back to the cart but he drops the bag of Kebab "HEY! THAT OLD LADY IS AWAKE!"

You and the others all turn around and see the old woman as she has a face of fear.

"I havnt said anything! Why do you stand before me?! Do you think I, Enyaba would tell them the secret of Lord DIO's stand?!"

We all turn to face the kebab merchant who pulls down his hood and removes his glasses.

Enyaba then screams as tentacles burst from.her body, eyes mouth and ears.

Female Jotaro X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now