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"Shut up" you say as you roll your eyes. Polnareff goes to tease you again but suddenly the ship shakes. "What the-" your cut short as multiple sailors come rushing out from the doors "We gotta go!" One shouts. Then a small portion of the ship explodes

"The captain placed bombs on the ship!" Another sailor calls. You look over at Jojo as she looks over and quickly jumps back to avoid an explosion.

"Shit!" You call "Kakyoin can you get these boats down?!" He nods and uses Heirophant Green to quickly zip around and cut the ropes. As the boats fall into the water you look at the sailors "Oi! Let's move!"

Suddenly another explosion accurs, along with more. The bombs were detonating quicker.

You look at Jojo as she quickly grabbed her jacket and rushed towards you guys. Then along with everyone else she jumped over the side as you all landed in the life boats.

You land on the boat and look up as you reach up and catch the kid. Then you set her down as you raise your leg and kick off the boat.

You and the others drifted away quickly thanks to the current as the boat exploded and began to sink.

"Jesus. I never thought I'd go from a regular kid with gym class to jumping off exploding ships" you say as you rub your head.

Joseph grabs your shoulder "Hey, I've turned our beacon on, the Speedwagon Foundation gave us an emergency beacon shoulder our ship not make it to the destination. Now we just wait for a pickup"

You nod and lay back against the back of the small life boat "in that case I'm gonna relax a little.

As you lay there you felt someone cuddle against you. "Hm?" You raise your head and see the little girl. Looks like she's still wet from when she jumped in the water. She was shaking a little.

She curled up in a ball slightly and pressed herself against you "Weren't you threatening to stab me a few minutes ago?" You ask to which you go no response. "whatever" you say as you close you eyes and lean back.

However before you were able to relax completely the little girl jumps up "Ship! It's a big ship!"

Suddenly you and everyone else sit up as a large ship, a freighter emerges from the plumes of smoke caused from the boats explosion.

"Oh shit!" You say "It's gonna hit us!" You call out. However the shop seems to almost immediately stop as it floats beside you all. It drops the stair ramps for you all to board.

Kakyoin puts a hand on your shoulder and looks at you "Feeling alright?" You nod "yea just...where did this thing come from? We never even saw it on the other boat.

(I'm fully aware that strength is a stand. However it wouldn't make very much if a chapter if EVERYONE could see the boat besides you and Anne. So for the sake of plot armor you can see this specific stand)

Jotaro nodded "Plus there isn't a single soul here to greet us" she says as she puts her coat back on. As she brushes a strand of hair behind her ear and outs her hat back on.

Suddenly Polnaref jumps onto the stairs. He looks back at you all "Well this ship came all this way to rescue us, there has to be someone on board. Even if they are all stand users I'm getting on board I'm done drifting in circles" Kakyoin, Avdol the girl and Polnaref all start walking up the stairs.

"Well" you say as you sling the harpoon gun around your shoulders using the strap "I guess it's better than a dingy" you say. "Maybe I can finally change into some fresh clothes" you say.


You and the crew were all walking in different directions. Everyone was looking for someone anyone. Joseph and the others went up to search for the captain.

Female Jotaro X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now