This just got Bizzare

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It was Tuesday. You made a reminder to head to the gym after class. As you entered the school gates you saw but stairs to your left and a path to your right.

You stopped in the oath for a second so you could check your watch. "Hmm. It's Tuesday. Even classes today. So I should head to Second class first" looking up and right you saw a separate building at the end of the oath "Swimming..." You sigh.

You adjust the bag on your shoulder as you go to turn only hearing people shout

"jojo!" "JOJO!" some.guys shouted. You turned towards the commotion as JoJo fell down the stairs. You acted quickly and rushed in.

You caught her as she fell back into you. You stumbled but kept your footing. Holding her as you held your arms around her stomach as she slouched

"You alright?" You ask. Despite you not really enjoying being around people, you still cared about safety.

"Yea." She said as she quickly pushed off you. "Thanks" she said. You nod "no problem" you say as you look down. Her left pant leg was cut, and she was bleeding, somewhat badly

"Here" you said. "What?" She asked as she looked at you "sit down a sec" she looks down as you crouch.

Setting your bag in the ground you open it up. Pulling a small Plastic box from the bag. "I always carry a first aid should something happen"

She looked away and pulled her hat down. Jotaro seemed quieter than usual. "Tch" she grunted "Fine" as the guy who followed her around came down the stairs she sat down and crossed her arms.

"Ok. This might hurt a little" she rolled her eyes "Yare Yare I'm not a child" "didn't say you were"

You gently wipe down some.of the blood leaking from her cut. Then when you were done you took a tuft of cotton and out some rubbing alcohol on it.

Wiping away anymore blood and sterilizing the wound. She hissed just a teeny little bit. Then you took some gauze and wrapped it around her shin. "There" you say.

She quickly stood up and brushed herself off as she fixed her hat "you should still see the nurse so she can stitch that up. Gauze won't fix it alone"

She looks at you "mhm" she hummed "well. Here you go" you stand up and hand her bag to her. She snatches it from your grip and starts walking away.

Shrugging you sling your bag over your shoulder again as the guys flocked towards her practically shoving you aside "JoJo! Are you hurt?"

Looking back at your watch you notice something on the ground by your foot.

Moving your watch away you see a book. "Hmm" you bend down and pick it up. Taking a look at the Title "The Constellations" you flip the front cover open you see a name written inside.

"Property of Jotaro Kujo" you look back to the horde of guys flocking around jojo and set the book in your bag "I'll return this later" you say.

Afterall. You weren't a thief.


After your class you went into the main building for your 4th class. As you walked you passed by the nurse's office. For a moment you kept walking but then you remembered the event from this morning.

"She here?" You ask yourself as you turn and open the nurse office door. As you step inside you see 4 people. 2 boys, and 2 girls.

The nurse stood in front of JoJo with a pair of scissors. The two boys were laughing a little.

You walk forward as the nurse turns to you "oh. Hello" she says "Hey" you reply. "Something the matter?" She asks as you shake your head "no, I just wanted to check if JoJo was here"

Female Jotaro X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now