Pro Gamer Moves

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"this is it" Joseph says as you all stand in front of the mansion. Thanks to an old beggar you bribed you managed to find it. "Dio should be right inside" He says. Joseph goes to take a step but you stop him.

"Old man." He turns to face you. You look up at him. "Dio is responsible for the death of my ancestor and my mother. Please, would you let me take point?"

He nods as he steps aside. You then take a breath as you reach into your backpack and pull a multicolored bandana from it. "W-wait" joseph says.

You nod "Yes it is" it's ceasar bandana from years ago. "my mom gave me.this when i was 5. I never knew what it was for until now"

You hold it up as you close your eyes and tie it around your forehead. Then you drop your hands "My family's legacy is death. Every Zeppeli before me has died. But not any more" you open your eyes as you gaze down the hallway if the mansion.

"Babe?" Jotaro says. "This ends now. The cycle of death for the Zeppeli family and the war between her and the Joestar's. Today. This ends."

Your hands ball up into fists. "Everyone ready?" They all nod. You take another breath. "lets finish this"

You then take a step forward as suddenly a huge Portal opens up beneath you as you slip "WHAAAAAAAA!" you scream. "(Y/n)!" Joseph yells as he grabs you. Kakyoin grabs him as well to keep him from falling in.

"Pull me up!" You shout. But suddenly a large hand grabs you and pulls you down. Joseph and Kakyoin fall in as Jotaro yells "hey!" She runs in as Ayano follows "Senpai!"

Mocha jumps out of your backpack before you fall as it closes.

"Hey! Guys!" Polnareff yells as he kicks the ground "Guys!" As he does this avdol looks down.

Mocha makes a whimper noise as she paws at the ground. Iggy sighs and lays down. While Polnareff gets angry "hey! Give our friends back!" He yells.

Mocha looks up into the darkness as she hisses and rushes in. "o-oi! Cat! Come back here!" Polnareff follows her as Avdol grabs iggy and runs "Wait!"


"Where are we?" You ask as you stand up. You looked around and saw you are on an island in the middle of the ocean "what the-" Joseph stands up as well. "Its beautiful, ill give it that" Kakyoin says as he fixes his sunglasses.

You look down as the ocean water brushes against your foot. "This wet feeling, it cant be fake" you say.

Then you hear a laugh. All of you look over as Kakyoin helps ayano up. A man with a green hay is sitting in a chair by a table with wine glasses.

"Welcome to DIO's mansion, lady Dio herself is at the top but you first mist get passed me. The butler of this mansion as well as The you younger brother to the stand user you defeated on the outskirts of Cairo, His name was D'arby"

Everyone gasps as they all listen "D'arby?" You say "You mean the guy whos ass i kicked?"

He nods "welcome" Joseph walks forward as D'arby stands up. "Is this inside the mansion?" D'arby nods "it is"

He walks towards a door sitting in the center "Is this place an illusion created by a stand?"

"Yes" "is it your stand?" "Who's to say"

You walk forward as you push Joseph aside "Listen to me, whatever you want us to do, lets do it. I assume you have something planned for us right?"

D'arby walks towards cabinet and opens the doors. Revealing multiple dolls, talking dolls.

"W-what the hell?!" Jotaro says "Thats disgusting!" Ayano adds. Kakyoin fixes his glasses as Joseph looks away "So, you collect souls too?" You ask as he once again nods "Indeed, while my brother collected souls as poker chips, i collect souls and make them into dolls, i get lonely around here so these dolls keep me company"

Female Jotaro X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now