Dio's World. Pt 1

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(ladies and gentlemen, i am happy to announce that this begins the final moments of Female Jotaro x Male reader, i want to thank each and every one of you guys who have supported and enjoyed this book from the beginning to the end.

Unfortunately all good things must come to an end but this foes not mean that we will just forget this book which has quickly risen to be most most popular book and is responsible for bringing all my new followers to my wattpad page.

Once again, thank you all of you for supporting me on this journey and i can promise you something. While the book may be ending.

The story is just beginning.



My Name is Will Zeppeli, and i shall train you in Hamon so we can Defeat Dio.

What? She survived? But i threw her on the statue!

She has made it through with her wounds, no doubt she is gaining strength and recovering. We must hurry and make sure you are ready Jada!

Yes sir! Mr. Zeppeli i shall train with you! Teach me.how to use hamon!

Caesar, are you ok?

Yes JoJo, im fine.

You seem off today, are you sure?

If im honest, no. I dont know what i feel. But i feel like i suddenly have a strong sense of Responsibility, and it feels wrong to leave.

Strange, lisa Lisa did just finish our training, and we are on our way to recover the stone. Perhaps you forgot something.

Yes...i... perhaps i did...but..what...ive no luggage, and we have all our gear. We have a plan. What could i possibly be forgetting?

Is there something you dont know perhaps?

Maybe...but for now its best we forget about it. If we dont know what it is then it isnt worth our time.

Maybe you forgot to say goodbye to that woman you were with last week.

Maybe...no...no i said goodbye...

Odd. Oh well, I'm sure it will return to your mind when its necessary.

Who are you?

Mr. Joseph Joestar, born 1920 to Lisa and George Joestar.


You knew my father.

Who? What?

My father. Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli.

O-oh...but Caesar didnt...have any children, we were just kids.

Thats where you are wrong. That bastard left before i was born. And he had the nerve to go dying on me.before i met him.

Calm down miss, what is your name?

Sofia. Sofia Will Zeppeli.

Well sofia, I am very sorry, i haven't thought about Caesar for at least 27 years now.

Well, i need your help.

What for?

Ive studied everything about the journey you and My father took years ago. And i know about the red stone and the pillarmen.

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