Set's Alessi

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After returning with Ayano from beating know what happened, You and Jotaro decided that maybe everyone should split up for a bit, that way if there are more stand users you could split up the agro, making them have to search for each of you.

So, you, Polnareff, jotaro and Joseph went one way, and Ayano took the animals with Avdol.

You 4 made your way to grab some food. You were walking next to Jotaro while Joseph was in front and Polnareff was behind you 3.

As you walked you rub your head "something wrong?" jotaro asks "no, i feel like im forgetting something, but then i remember i gave Kakyoin my Walkman, so i calm down when i remember where my walkman is"

She nods as she looks forward.

You look forward to Joseph "hey, Mr. Joestar, since we split up whay should we do about lunch?"

Joseph shrugged "Beat-"

Polnareff shouts from behind you guys "JOTARO! (Y/N)! JOSEPH! AN ENEMY STAND USER! HELP ME OUT HERE! THIS WAY!"

You all 3 turn around and see nothing. But Polnareff was gone.

"Huh?" You say "Where did Polnareff go?" The 3 of you take turns looking all around. But after a moment you sigh "He probably ran off." Jotaro nods as she puts her hands in her pockets. Joseph fixes his hat as you all keep walking.

"Should we look for him?" You ask as Joseph shakes his head "If he runs off it's his fault, but if there is a stand user im sure he wouldn't just go fight them alone"

You nod as you hold your hands behind your head. "Oi Vey... Something tells me this day is gonna get worse. I mean me and Ayano were attacked by mariah, the stand user for Bastet, so i dont think its too far fetched to expect another stand user."

Jotaro pulls her hat down "Yare Yare..."

You look at Joseph "Mr. Joestar, maybe we should look for Polnareff" he stops and turns to you as you and JoJo stoo walking "i suppose it would be best. I will head north, you and Jotaro head east and search thoroughly, we cant make any mistakes"

You and Jotaro turn around and go the opposite way as Joseph keeps walking.


As you walk with jotaro you fix a strap on your backpack. "Cant believe you purchased a Kids backpack" Jotaro says. You look at her "hey fuck you"

Suddenly she turns and pins you against the wall. "H-hey! W-wait!" You say as she holds your hands above your head.

She presses her body against yours and smirks "no, Fuck you~" you gulp "h-hey, h-here isnt really the best place for this"

She giggles seductively "I guess when we find Polnareff, we go back to the hotel while the others explore the city~"

You blush a deep crimson as you avoid her gaze "J-jojo" she lets go of you and starts walking again as you look at her in shock. Then you shake your head and catch up to her "hey! You cant just go all dominatrix and stop!"

She shakes her head "i have no idea what you are talking about" you hold up your hands "Seriously?" She avoids your gaze with a sly smile as she pulls her hat down "Yare yare...just trust what i say"

You sigh as you cross your arms.


Just then a voice calls out "Jo-" it stops halfway. You and Jotaro turn around and see a little kid. White hair and black shirt.

Female Jotaro X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now