Post-Story Interview

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Jotaro sits down in a chair as a table sits beside her with a drink. She smiles as the interviewer speaks from off camera.

"So, Mrs. Kujo" jotaro shakes her head "JoJo is fine" "very well, jojo, what was your overall enjoyment of the story now that you have finished it?"

Jotaro leans back and hangs her right arm over the back of the chair "honestly, it was amazing, from the script, to the chorography, to the emotional impact this book had, all of it was absolutely incredible and i was happy to be a part of it"

Some notes are written down "When your first got cast in this book, what were your expectations?"

Jotaro shrugs "not that great at first, i mean i was cast to play a female version of a male character, do obviously it would be a challenge, but McBrando really gave it his all and wrote the script perfectly it was like second nature"

The interviewer writes down some notes.

Polnareff sits down in the chair, he is fixing his hair "So, Jean Pierre Polnareff, the readers were fond of you"

He smiles "mostly women i hope" the interviewer shook his head "no. Thy just liked your struggle with romance. And how often your character got hurt"

He gasps "what?!" The interviewer nods "the fans were laughing at you most the time" Polnareff crosses his arms "tch."

Kakyoin sits down in the chair "So, Kakyoin. You were a fan favorite, everybody loved you"

Kakyoin smiles "thats great" the interviewer clicks his pen "tell me, what was your first thoughts on being cast in this book?"

Kakyoin leans forward "well at first was skeptical, i mean when this book first published McBrando wasnt very popular, so i thought not many people would see it. But once that first chapter was released, we received many votes and likes. Which was a good sign"

The interviewer held out his hand "and if you had to pick a certain scene to say was your favorite?"

Kakyoin leans back "when the protagonist was shot with the Stand arrow. I believe it was the turning point for the story. Not many fans expected it, and i believe it was the right thing to do. Because it left the fans wondering what their stand could be"

Joseph rubs his neck "that scene? Really?"

Jotaro takes off her hat and brushes some of her hair back

"JoJo, you said before that the author had good writing, could you give an example?"

Jotaro puts her hat back on. "Well, the example i would use was back during the chapter before he awakens his stand. When the protagonist talks about their past and their mother. That scene wasnt necessarily needed, but when the author described the protagonists mother i believe all the fans knew exactly what he was talking about. What his true family name was."

You laugh "man that was crazy, i had to memorize the script for that story like an hour before rolling because i slept in! Oh that was crazy"

The interviewer looks at his notepad "So many fans saw the lemon chapter. And it was one of the better sex scene McBrando has written in the past. Tell me, was that fake?"

You blush as you rub your neck "uh...n-no comment on that"

Polnareff holds out his hands "Its not fair! He gets to fuck and have a harem! I mean come on!"

Kakyoin shakes his head "no"

Joseph facepalms "oh my god..."

JoJo holds her fists by her face as she blushes "mmmmmmmmm" she shakes her head and makes a noise. Like a child.

Female Jotaro X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now